Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
User status: Offline
and not in the way u think
after changing my brkaes today the ones i took off i put in a box seperate
nice and neat
forgot i left them in the hall didnt i
just went downstairs for a drink triped on the box and nearly went flying 
many swearwords were utted 
like stupid fucking box !
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Drove kitted corsa b now standard corcs c exclusiv
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Adam-D
and not in the way u think
after changing my brkaes today the ones i took off i put in a box seperate
nice and neat
forgot i left them in the hall didnt i
just went downstairs for a drink triped on the box and nearly went flying 
many swearwords were utted 
like stupid fucking box !
oh dear adam
dont u hate it wen ur rents moan at u 4 not puttin ur stuff away like shoes in the hall.. they never fall over them.. but then leave their stuff around and u go ass over tit  
always moan at them 4 that.. uttering very loud F F S
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
User status: Offline
yes FFS was said aswell
ill tidy it up in the morning
gotmore important stuff to do like
er sleep