Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: Kirkintilloch, Glasgow
User status: Offline
Where do you get ur game prizes and raffle prizes? I bought stuff from Ann Summers but I feel this is an expensive way of doing it and need things cheaper.
Registered: 26th May 04
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I know Leni usually buys her stuff from the shop
Registered: 25th Mar 02
User status: Offline
I actually don't buy expensive prizes!
I buy packets of lovehearts 25p a packet, sorted 
Then I buy stuff like Nobby Nailfiles, Mini Cock Candles and Willy Bottlestops! all £2.99 but with the discount their about £2. Then I buy things from Asda and stuff, like around Valentines I bought their handcuffs and chain, horny devil mugs and ball sets (all 99p)
Buy the willy straws and give one out as a prizes! Also look on the www.annsummers.co.uk/organisers website and they have a specials bit! Sometimes they have vibrators for £4 and other novelties (keyrings and jewerlly) for £2 plus you get your discount off them!
End of the day, your trying to sell and a party shouldn't cost YOU more than £9 and that should include the hostess gift which costs you £5.59 after discount!
Don't waste your time on the expensive stuff for prizes, shell out abit on the raffle tho! Books are good as prizes as people get embarassed if they win dildos and stuff infront of their mam (from my experience)
I suggest use the ann summers specials as much as possible! you get some good bargains! Plus the new Hen Night thongs should go down well as raffle prizes 
p.s. I get promoted to Unit Organisers soon
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
My mum used to be an ann summers organiser
Registered: 25th Mar 02
User status: Offline
did she let you play with her toys?
Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: Kirkintilloch, Glasgow
User status: Offline
Cheers Leni
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
i was not born at the time
Registered: 25th Mar 02
User status: Offline
oh forgot definately get the willy ice tray and make chocolate cocks before parties as prizes! just put them in the ann summers bags and hand out!
I have a red shoebox that I use as a lucky dip and guests that win a prizes pluck one out, some are nahh, some are good!
Oh and keep an eye out in pubs toilets! I buy the tickers and johnys that glow in the dark as prizes too!