Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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..that i can't tell any of my mates about.
Sorry if this turns out to be an essay, but need to tell someone so this is the best way i guess, in a way.
Basically, i was going out with this girl around a year ago, enjoyed her company etc. but didnt really know what i wanted at the time, ended up splitting with her, and hadnt really spoke to her alot since. She ended up getting a new b/f a few months after. Then around september time i started to think about her more realising i could have had something with her and that i fucked up, as a couple of months went by i wanted to get in touch with her again, but didnt want to ruin her relationship with her b/f.
Eventually last month i txt'd her my new number, told her id been thinking about her alot and she said she had only really got over me.
I met up with her and we talked and instantly felt a spark between us again, shes been talking about her b/f and basically he treats her like shit, is in serious debt owes people money for drugs, and basically no one likes him, so he doesnt let her out, and dont let her speak to other lads!!
Ive spent alot of time with her and really enjoying being with her and this has basically brought us back close together, she wants to split with her b/f, but the thing that is pissing me off is lying to my mates about me seeing her, who know her and her b/f, i hate lying so ive told her that we should cool it untill she has split up with him which is going to be really hard, as i miss her already last saw her on tuesday 
Think im doing the right thing here? I know it's just not a phase of wanting her back or just wanting her company i KNOW i want her back and have promised her that ill be there for her, and i want to be and she has said the same.
Sorry about the essay, you didnt have to read it but kinda glad i wrote it down for people to see
Registered: 24th Apr 03
Location: Oxfordshire
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why do u have to lie to your m8s bout seeing her?
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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becasue they know her b/f, and me and her b/f dont get on. i just dont wana lose any mates over it all, my mates are probaly this guys only kind of mates if you get me as they get there weed of him
Registered: 2nd Jun 03
Location: Clayhall , Essex
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hey mate, do what you feels right, tell yuor friends, im sure they will be cool with it, let ur ex sort things out if she likes u she will come to u hehe...
Registered: 24th Apr 03
Location: Oxfordshire
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when she finishes with him there will be nothing wrong with you seeing her then
Registered: 2nd Jun 03
Location: Clayhall , Essex
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exactly...good point
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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yeah i know but untill she finishes it, i can't see her, and thats gunna be hard, or see her and if my mates ask me what im doing that night, make something up...which is what i can't do, her b/f is away for a week so i have to wait for her to finish it with him
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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hope it all goes well 
i kinda keep thinking of an ex of mine and would like to be with her again but aint spoke to her in long and i dont know if she would even like me anymore cos she is FIT i didnt even think i stood a chance b4, but its been almost 10months when i was still at school.
Registered: 24th Apr 03
Location: Oxfordshire
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all good things come to those who wait
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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quote: Originally posted by safe_si
all good things come to those who wait
Yesh ive always said that....yet when it comes to it, it's fookin hard!!!
Registered: 19th Sep 01
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Yeah but waiting will just make you want her more so when you finally get each other it will sooo much better, and there will be no need to worry because everyone will know so you two can just get on with things and concentrate on each other!!!!
Registered: 2nd Jun 03
Location: Clayhall , Essex
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good thinking! just wait dude, at least there's something to lookk forward to! hold on, u sure she's gonna finish it with him? u always hear those things bout the g/f only stays with him cos she wants to help him blah blah u knowe the story...
Registered: 26th May 04
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Personally i think your doing the right thing... leave it for a bit its hard i know, but you dont wanna cause any harm to yourself or especially to her!
It will be hard i know but you will get a better outcome when its all settled!
Hang in there
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Cheers Guy's!!!
Registered: 5th May 02
Location: Preston, Lancs
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just get it over with and shoot her b/f
job done, everyone is happy and there is one less drug dealer for me to compete with
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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