R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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ooooooooooooooooooooo... aren't we smart
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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the seduction potential was feeling fulfilled at being there for u when u got home, instead of putting himself first and going out
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by blackula
instead of thinking u might had needed a night out and to come home to him, he got pissed off at u going out, and went out himself,
the whole idea of relationships is getting over what u want, and putting the other person first, and this is like a two way thing.
relationships which last are always involving people who can see the needs of the other and act accordingly
thats a bit deep for this time of night but i think you're complimenting me... sorta.
so i'm happy
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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This is also why some men last with women cos, they see how they put the lady in their life before themselves and see them as good potential fathers too and wanna have babies with them,
Like if they can;t look after the woman how are they gonna look after the kids !
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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so you're confirming what jelly bubbles has said... he's a GIT?
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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i've been with my g/f a year on April 6th, was saturday 6th april 2003 at 2am when we got together 
carry on
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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thats a bit deep for this time of night but i think you're complimenting me... sorta.
yeah sorta.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
i've been with my g/f a year on April 6th, was saturday 6th april 2003 at 2am when we got together 
carry on
me and dan have been together 3 yrs, dont mean anything. he's thoughtful most of the time like he tidys up all the time he cooks me dinner or gives massages when he thinks i'm stressed. buys me little presents all the time its just tonight i was looking forward to coming home and snuggling up in bed, and when i got home he wasnt here. bit of a let down
Registered: 16th Feb 04
Location: London, Surrey
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dress up in your sexy undies then fall asleep in em - he'l come home c wot he missed and try it on - then turn around and say no its too late now the moods ruined and i'm tired
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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i was only saying becoz its comin up 2 a year for me but it doesn't mean anything to any1 else so i'll keep it to myself in the future
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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Blokes will like go to lots of trouble at getting a particular woman, but when they have her, they will take her for granted. In fact some women will become pretty pissed at the fact that the guys behaviour changes when he is seeing her contrasting to how sweet he was when he was after her and there was something to be gained.
I think u gotta constantly affirm that this person is special and never take anyone for granted. That way the likelihood of them straying or getting bored is virtually non existent.
But alas. paying attention to someone is too much like hard work so blokes just would rather go out than thinking of new ways to re-seduce the woman and stoke the embers. They reckon that sex will do the trick, which it won't alone.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
i was only saying becoz its comin up 2 a year for me but it doesn't mean anything to any1 else so i'll keep it to myself in the future
sorry i didnt mean to sound horrible just in a bit of a fowl mood. congratulations on your anniversary, hope you have a good one
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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cant be arsed to type anything else i'm tired and keep losing my t
rain of thought. see u tomorrow i'm off to bed
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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gd nite x
Registered: 26th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by littlemisscorsa!
dress up in your sexy undies then fall asleep in em - he'l come home c wot he missed and try it on - then turn around and say no its too late now the moods ruined and i'm tired
ur a nasty bit of work aint ya
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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its the other way round with us, i'll be randy and he'll make an excuse, such as he's got a stomach ache or he needs a shower etc. then when i complain we never get it on anymore he always says oh well i tried it on last night and you said you were too tired, knowing full well after about 11 o clock i have trouble remembering what happened.
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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what i do know is if the offer of sex is there no matter how tired i am, i'd wake myself up quick
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Je11ybubb1es
i went out with some girls from work tonight, told the other half where i was going and what time i'd be back. he said he might be going out but he'd let me know by text if he did. so not having heard from him i get home looking forward to seeing him cos i havent really seen him at all today, looking forward to snuggling up together and having a lie in as i have tomorrow morning booked off as holiday, when i get home to an empty house. the bastards gone to oceana without texting me. git
And thats how it should be 