Registered: 9th Mar 04
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Lynny wot happened wen u done one then...? I am curious!
Registered: 27th Aug 03
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so what are people's bad experiances then....
what kinda stuff happened,.....
or can/should happen
never done one B4-
havent a clue what goes on
Registered: 9th Mar 04
Location: Norwich, Norfolk
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I wudnt dare do 1, think I mite end up having a mud-out in me y-fronts if something spooky happened
Registered: 14th Sep 01
Location: Bath Avon
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they say a medium can control the spirits. They stop evil spirits from coming through.
If somebody with no experience does this they can let evil spirits through which can supposidly do someone with no experince alot of mental harm.
Anyway thats what supposidly happens. i believe in ghosts and spirts, but dont know if the above is true
[Edited on 02-04-2004 by paul_spurrell]
Registered: 25th Apr 02
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I neither believe or disbelieve and thats how it will stay with me.
Don't fuck with what you don't know. Personally I think it's a load of shit but you'll never find me trying anything like that.
My missus goes to spiritualist churces and speaks to mediums and shit but I think its crazy stuff best left for freaks and devil worship/gothic kinds. [/color]
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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ive never done anything like this , tbh i know dont if its real but i prefer not to chance it , my mum and her friends travelled around when they wa young and lived in egypt for about 3yrs b4 coming back home. she told me a story that one night about they all did the thing my mums friend decided to do it on her own in the room , and she must of asked where u are and it spelt " theres only a door between you and me"
i know my mum would not lie and personally i think thats freeky shit
[Edited on 120102 by Ben]
Registered: 9th Mar 04
Location: Norwich, Norfolk
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I'm scared..!
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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quote: Originally posted by paul_spurrell
they say a medium can control the spirits. They stop evil spirits from coming through.
If somebody with no experience does this they can let evil spirits through which can supposidly do someone with no experince alot of mental harm.
Anyway thats what supposidly happens. i believe in ghosts and spirts, but dont know if the above is true
[Edited on 02-04-2004 by paul_spurrell]
yeah this is true, mediums have whats called 'gate keepers' who stop the evil spirits, hence why a medium should be present when using a ouija board to stop these
Registered: 9th Jul 01
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i have done one a good few years ago
we started it laughing like fuck but had read into it alot they can get carried away and the glasses get REALLY hot ours got so hot we couldnt keep our fingers on it but reading into them you cant take your finger off or you open the spirit world. we asked its name and how it died and it got moving very fast then we said are you mad at somebody it replied yes. we said are you mad at us it replied no we said can we leave this board it replied yes. we took our fingers off and it was well hot.!!!!! nobody can make a glass as hot on that!
Registered: 9th Jul 01
Location: hull
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Here's How:
It takes two to Ouija. Usually one person is not able to work the Ouija. Get a friend to use it with you. A male and female is usually recommended.
Timing. Most practitioners suggest using the board at night when, they say, less interference is in the atmosphere.
Create some atmosphere. The Ouija is more fun if you darken the room and light some candles. Turn off the TV and any music to minimize distractions.
Have a seat. The two users should sit facing each other, with knees touching if possible, with the board on their laps. Don't use a table.
Decide on a questioner or medium. Even though both people can ask questions -- or anyone else in the room can -- only one of the users should be the medium (the one to formally ask questions of the board).
Place your fingers on the planchette. You and your partner should place the fingers of both hands very lightly on the planchette, or pointer.
Move it. Purposely move the planchette around in a circle on the board for a moment or two to get it 'warmed up.'
Attitude. Don't let the board control the session. The medium should begin by announcing that the session will only allow an experience that is positive or toward a higher good and that negative energies are not welcome.
Begin simply. Start with a simple question, one that requires a yes or no answer.
Be patient. You might not begin to get answers right away. Give the board a chance to 'warm up.'
Be polite. When the board starts working, thank the board or entities for showing up and communicating with you.
Don't ask stupid questions. Avoid questions such as, 'When am I going to die?' If the board answers, 'in 6 months,' you might just worry about it needlessly.
Don't ask for physical signs. Many experienced users warn against asking for physical signs that the 'spirit' is real or present.
Don't believe everything the board tells you. Just as with any other source of information, don't accept whatever the board says to be the truth or accurate.
Close the board. This is an important step. When you're done with your session, slide the planchette to 'GOODBYE' and remove your hands.
Have someone write down the answers. Sometimes the letters spell out very quickly and it's difficult to keep track of what's being said. A third person with paper and pen can write down the message as it comes.
Play sober. You'll get better results if you haven't been drinking or smoking.
Maintain control. If the board starts giving rude, vulgar, obscene or otherwise disagreeable responses, break off the session immediately by closing the board.
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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me and the other 2 chefs at work wanna try one but just dont know where to do it as the spirit can get loose and stay in that place, work already has two ghosts we really dont need an evil spirit too! lucikly we know a medium who comes in on a regular basis and is next in on wednesday so we're goina ask her about one then
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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i did one with the mrs a while ago in my bedroom. nothing happened for a while but it started spelling it said 'mrs' 3 times in a row then it spelt out proctor.at this satge my mum came in room and witnessed the rest of the nights events. the 3 candles we had lit up all went out with no windows open. the scariest thing though was after the entire event 3 taps in the bathroom came on full gush. my mum checked with the city council weeks after and a mrs lynn proctor used to run a sweet shop. my house used to be the sweet shop.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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Yes i have done it 3 times, one 1 occasion it was very bad, so bad i ended up in hospital !
Don't do it !
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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greg ???
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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After i just done it i got onto my BMX and went straight into a lampost, i got back on my bike and rode again for about 2 mins then got hit by a car !
Went to my mates house, all the doors were open, all his taps were running yet nobody was in !!
Then went to mine, same again My head got so bad that i asked my mum when she got hom to take me to the hosp as i needed stitches to my head, our car wouldnt start, so she said she would take my dads car, same again, then my sisters car as she was in, car also wouldnt start 
Some scary shit happened !
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
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This thread smells of something...
Registered: 9th Jul 01
Location: hull
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ur a non beliver
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Mav 3000
This thread smells of something...
beleive what you want
Registered: 14th Sep 01
Location: Bath Avon
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people will not beleive unless they experience it. My girlfriend laughs it off, but I beleive it, cause I have experienced it many years ago.
I first experience something about 10 years ago. Its sounds rather odd really but there was a medium in one of the sunday papers.
He said "at 12 noon hold something of a dead realatives and close your eyes and say "i can feel you" three times, cause the medium would be in contact with the spirits at that time.
My sister got my nans old wrist watch (that didnt work). She died 3 years previous. We dont normally belive in things like that.
So my sister was sat there at twelve noon, saying this line. Nothing happened, so we laughed. Then about 5 seconds later the room filled up with the strongest smell of my nans purfume. A real strong smell. that was scary. We could then hear the toilet filling up upstairs. There was no one up there. Then the watch started up again. poo pant time. Then an ornament fell off the shelf.
The watch still works to this very day and has never needed the battery changed.
Registered: 1st Mar 04
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ive had a reading done by a medium 12 months ago
my grandad came through who i never knew cause he died when my mum was only 21,he asked the medium to ask me ,"does your mum still have the watch?"
well i never knew wot she was on about till i asked mum about it when i went to c her later on,so i asked her if she still had the watch and she said that her dad took her shopping esspecially to buy her a watch for her 21st birthday!
that was just one of the things that was true , there was loads more that he said that i had to check with my nan about and it was all true