Registered: 29th Jun 04
User status: Offline
just got a set of tigra clocks from the scrappy , what else do i need to fit them in my corsa merit ? and how do i wire the new unit up ? new to moddin' so need all the help i can get
Registered: 29th Jun 04
User status: Offline
have now managed to get the rev counter working 
going to get the speedo drive now so hope fully it will just mean running the wires from that up to the clocks , will let you guys know if it all works out
only other question i have is re the speedo itself , my old one started @10mph and the new one starts @ 0mph , does this matter ?
Registered: 10th Jan 04
User status: Offline
well when ur driving remember that if the tigra 1 sez u are doin 30 remember that ur really doing 40
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
If you have the speedo drive from the Tigra, and the Tigra clocks, the speed on the clocks will be correct (give or take the inaccuracy, of course) won't it?
Registered: 29th Jun 04
User status: Offline
just found out the clocks i have fitted are from a "P" reg 4 cylinder corsa and not a tigra , if i fit the drive from a corsa will the speedo read correcly ?
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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If yours start at 10 that means they're cable drive. The zero ones are electronic. Did you not have nowhere to connect your speedo cable when you fitted the new clocks?
Registered: 29th Jun 04
User status: Offline
no , i thought wiring it up to the replacement gearbox part completed the conversion
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
User status: Offline
You can get a sender for the gearbox and do away with the cable, yes. It will correctly if you do this.
Registered: 29th Jun 04
User status: Offline
All connected up and workin a treat 
looks much better with the 4 clocks
thanks for the help guys