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Author Corsa C - wiring up front door Components

Registered: 21st Oct 04
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12th Feb 05 at 00:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've read the threads but I don't think they help (or likely don't tell me what I want to hear !). Most of it is for a Corsa B and what isn't doesn't help.

I've paid out for a Kenwood KDC-W9027 head unit, a Genesis amp, a Diamond Audio 10" sub and a pair of Diamond Audio S500 Hex components. All good so far.

But how the feck do you get the speakers wired into the doors. If you go the route of tapping in to the speaker wires near the head unit, what do you do about the crossovers and tweaters ?

And if, as I prefer, you put the crossovers in the boot and run 2 sets of wires to each door, how do you get the wire through the door ? How do you get past the plastic plug type thingy ? I've seen stories like rip the old wires out, use a metal coat hanger and take the door off and drill. Where do you drill ? How do the pro's do it ? How much will it cost me to get a company to do it for me.

Any help with Corsa C, or anyone near to Norwich who can help with this. woul be most useful. Thanks

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