Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bucks
User status: Offline
right since ive been driving i have been pulled over for numerous offences. police do checks on my reg platewhilst behind me or after having pulled over me and once they get find out the markers on my car they say we got to search your vehicle...
makesme laugh, i know a police men and he says i currently have 7 marks on my plate!
cos last night i got pulled over and they were like "have you been doing any petrol runs recently?"
"weve got a report of you driving away from a petrol station without paying, £10 worth!"
... i was like no that wasnt me, i'm not that poor, also if i were to i would at least do a full tanks worth!!!
sorry for goin on a long 1!
Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
User status: Offline
your reg plate can go on all kinds of lists... so just keep your head down for a while if they have got you marked down as a dodgy cnut... which they must do if they want to search your car !
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bucks
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Ditch
your reg plate can go on all kinds of lists... so just keep your head down for a while if they have got you marked down as a dodgy cnut... which they must do if they want to search your car !
suppose, but i hadnt been out in my car really for a few months, then i been pulled over twice in the last week. first time was for fire-arms!!!!
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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this lady copper kept pulling me over and one night she ran some reds, over took 3 cars to get to me, got flashed by oncoming traffic and ran another set of reds to tell me that there are alot of people speeding ant that i should watch my speed.
she had pulled me over about 4 times..
so after that i reporte her for harrassment and shes never been near me since
Registered: 10th Sep 03
Location: Boreham, Essex
User status: Offline
:LOL::LOL: i've had something like this i was comin home from a great weekend away and go followed by a volvo for 13 miles lol and he was up my arse all the way, i ened up goin round a roundabout and back to the loacla police station and when he pulled into the car park i asked for all his details and walked in and reported him 
but scince then i have been pulled 14 times in 6 weeks bastards