Registered: 23rd Aug 05
Location: Cramlington
User status: Offline
hey woundered if any1 cud help me with this problem, basically my ignition is stuck on i can turn the car off and the ignition stays on, also the same applies when the engine is running i cant turn it it off without stalling it. woudnered if any1 has had the same problem, i have have a 1.2 corsa b ls model.
Registered: 29th Nov 05
Location: Kings Lynn
User status: Offline
I had this problem when i brought my corsa last week, if i had my lights on the engine wouldn't turn off. I got my mate to take a look at it and the previous owner had wire the sterio in wrong since it wired it up propley its been fine
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
User status: Offline
we had one in at work, which same problem happend and the starter motor got stuck on, and drove from chelt to tewkes (10 miles) and when he got there found out he had no wireing loom left, lol
so i would get it sorted soon