Registered: 29th Sep 03
Location: Milton Keynes
User status: Offline
2 garages haven't been able to fix my problem.
For a few months now my car has not been starting in the mornings. This is only in the mornings as in the evening after work it starts fine.
It generally happens on cold or damp mornings. It will turn over, but just struggles to actually start.
After struggling to start, the car doesn't seem to have full power when putting my foot down. It splutters in the higher gears. But this only lasts for a few mins of running, as after 5 mins its fine (full power).
I have changed the spark leads/plugs/oil/oil filter/air filter recently with no luck.
The garage has checked the alternator (fine apparently) and also said they repaired a sensor connecting to the crank shaft, but this morning my car again struggled to start.
When i leave my car in our garage it will just about start everytime.