Registered: 23rd Feb 06
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Only started yesterday.Temperature reached 100 idling but when driving goes down to 93-94 (normal because of air coming in). I can feel the hot air inside the car just near my feet. (not from heater inside car...)
Fan does work when idling but temp doesnt quite go down
checked the coolant today, added some anti freeze because level went about 5mm down (guess it is the water going...not leaking)
No trace of leakage
drove again, though temp didnt go up to 100, it stayed at 98...(always decreasing when driving)
any advice please
Registered: 7th Jan 05
Location: Lancashire
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What exactly are you wanting advice on ?
your heater control in the centre of your dash which picture is it pointin to as there are 4 options
Temp of coolant will reach between 90 - 100 before fan kicks in
down at the bottom to the left of your clutch is the Heater Matrix for your warm/hot air for ya heater fan
Registered: 31st Oct 04
Location: East Ayrshire Scotland
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i thought this was normal....
it happens in my 1.6 been like this since i bought it... drives fine but when i stop for a bit the heat reaches 100 then cools to say about 95 with the fan but creeps up again...
you got me worried now
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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you have explained the normal operation of a cars cooling and cabin heating system.
Registered: 1st Dec 05
Location: Solihull, W Mids Drives: 45BHP beast!
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Same happens in my c12nz...just normal i think...well I hope
Registered: 23rd Feb 06
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well, actually it never happened like that before...seems a bit weird.
or is it the weather temperature doing this? warmer...
if this is fine, then i'm off no problemo...my asked because it usually stopped at 96-97 max...but not upto 100...
Registered: 27th Nov 05
Location: aberdeen
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it happens on every corsa i think. well every corsa i've had
Registered: 28th Jun 04
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yeah mine heats up when idling more than usual, but remember 2 weeks ago we were getting highs of 5 degrees, and now we are getting 15+ degrees so its natural it'll be running warmer. although i've not been sat around long enough for my fan to kick in recently.
the warm air will be coming front heater matrix, no other place it can come from cos of all the insulation on bulkhead.
if its still giving hot air it may be a snapped cable in the air flow adjustment (ie. at you, at windscreen, at feet...) or one of the things is loose. remember even when the heating fans aren't on the air flow from outside will still be coming in
Registered: 2nd Aug 04
Location: Ilford, Greater London
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if it really troubles you, blast your fans on number 4 on HOT and it should go down faster when the engine fan kicks in.
Registered: 25th Mar 06
Location: Syston, Leicestershire
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Watrer cooler need filling up
Registered: 23rd Feb 06
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anyway, service was done last week and all sorted
Registered: 26th Feb 06
Location: Falkirk
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just install a cold air feed hose to your radfiotr or air filter or even both, will cool down your car.