Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
User status: Offline
You may customise how dates are displayed throughout the site by editing the 'Date Format' section of your profile.
The following letters are used to make up your date format:
j - day of the month, 1 to 31
d - day of the month with a leading zero, 01 to 31.
D - day as three letters of text, Mon to Sun
l - lowercase letter L - day as text, Monday to Sunday
S - st, nd, rd or th. Use with j.
F - full month name, January to December
M - short month name, Jan to Dec
n - month number, 1 to 12
m - month nubmer with leading zero, 01 to 12
y - two digit year, ie. 06
Y - two digit year ie. 2006
Just simply tag the letters together to make your desired format.
Some examples include:
jS M y - 15th Jan 06
jS F Y - 15th January 2006
d/m/y - 15/01/06
l jS F - Sunday 15th January
Use this link to edit - http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/memcp.php?action=profile or the 'My Profile' link, top right.
[Edited on 11-05-2006 by Ian]