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Registered: 6th Nov 06
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6th Nov 06 at 21:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Helping out a friend with T&T cash for his get to work Metro and ended up with it when he sold his BMW. This was promptly swapped for a non runner stood 2 years Corsa B N reg 1.5TD 110K miles. The previous owner had tried to Max it with the usual bodged body kit then ripped it off after an accident. half repaired the accident.

I found myself needing a cheap to run car for collage so......I rebuilt the back end, virtually emptied the scrappers of decent body parts, put a lot of sweat and tears into filling some serious dents. Un-seazing the brakes was more "fun" than I would want to encounter again, and covered every single service point for a 100K Corsa diesel

Having thrown about £300 at it, including £100 of servicing parts, its back on the road fully T&T and runs sweet even for a 10 yrs old.

The still to-do list includes:-

re-align front body panels and bonnet to match.

fit front bumper so that it doesn't sag.

Search scrappers for internal plastic panels to cover up where the previous tool of an owner ripped out his stereo leads instead of undoing them.

respray due dent repairs.

Free up drivers side track rod end nut that refuses to budge therefore the garage cant adjust the tracking.

re-fit the wipers properly after said tool fitted them too low so they hit windscreen rubbers.

Fit stereo (its doing my nut in not having music)

re-align the tailgate lock so the tailgate is in line with the rest of the car.

I have a well equipped garage and can do about 90% of any car repairs myself, however I will admit to not knowing very much about Vauxhalls in general and Corsas in detail.

My question to you guys is:-

Is it worth taking such an old corsa any further or should I just fit the stereo and be happy with a cheap motor.

If I do take it further should I just cover the to-do list or is there some mods that would get me more than the £300 Ive put into it.

And how the hell do I bleed the sodding cooling system. Ive tried every trick I know, including header tank cap off and squeeze radiator top hose, bleed screw open until fingers scalded, etc etc but try as I might I cant get the temperature gauge to read more than 90 deg C (it is accurate I have checked it with a multimeter thermocouple that's accurate to 0.5 deg C) or the heater matrix to get warm even though the inlet pipe is to hot to touch, the outlet pipe is cold.

The heater matrix is unblocked, the thermostat and water pump are new. all hoses appear fine, there is no coolant leak either external or internal. But sat on the drive it wont go above 90 deg C, I have to set the Idle to 2000 rpm to get it to the stage were the fan kicks in. If I drive it its back down to 85 unless I thrash it, even then its still bloody freezing in the car. Haynes manual was about as helpful as Microsoft help desk (ie Not) and all I get from local vauxhall dealer is "bring it in and we'll look at it (look at how much they can screw out of me).

So any help, tips hints and advice to a newbie would be appreciated.



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6th Nov 06 at 22:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Doggy
My question to you guys is:-

Is it worth taking such an old corsa any further or should I just fit the stereo and be happy with a cheap motor.

Be happy with a cheap runaround, if you want to do something up, start with a better spec vehicle. You can then take it off the road whilst you do the work, and still be mobile in the TD.

If I do take it further should I just cover the to-do list or is there some mods that would get me more than the £300 Ive put into it.

The cost of mods is something you will not recover. I doubt anything you add to the car will increase its value significantly. Best idea is to get the bodywork as clean as possible, fit new wheel trims if it has steelies, you *might* well recover what it owes you then...

And how the hell do I bleed the sodding cooling system. Ive tried every trick I know, including header tank cap off and squeeze radiator top hose, bleed screw open until fingers scalded, etc etc but try as I might I cant get the temperature gauge to read more than 90 deg C (it is accurate I have checked it with a multimeter thermocouple that's accurate to 0.5 deg C) or the heater matrix to get warm even though the inlet pipe is to hot to touch, the outlet pipe is cold.

The heater matrix is unblocked, the thermostat and water pump are new. all hoses appear fine, there is no coolant leak either external or internal. But sat on the drive it wont go above 90 deg C, I have to set the Idle to 2000 rpm to get it to the stage were the fan kicks in. If I drive it its back down to 85 unless I thrash it, even then its still bloody freezing in the car. Haynes manual was about as helpful as Microsoft help desk (ie Not) and all I get from local vauxhall dealer is "bring it in and we'll look at it (look at how much they can screw out of me).

Aside from doing what you've already tried, leave off the header tank cap, and leave the car running, it should force the air through the system rather than just compressing it in there. Obviously keep an eye on the tank to make sure it doesnt start overflowing etc.

I hope that helps a bit mate. Welcome to CS by the way

Registered: 6th Nov 06
Location: Barnsley
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7th Nov 06 at 08:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats the problem mate it does bubble up and over flow to such an extent that the tank is almost empty, Ive tried doing it with the header tank cap off and just end up with an almost empty cooling system. If I leave the cap on its ok.

I will look at getting a better spec (newer car) anybody got any suggestions what is worth Max-ing.

ICE I have sorted, nothing special but good quality sound.
Sony MP3 Header
JBL 100w amp for boosting the header
JBL 400w amp for sub
JBL 12" sub
2 off 10" and 2 off 4" in a boot boom box
4 off 6x9"

Anybody got any suggestions were I can put the spare tyre if I mount the SUB in the wheel well.

[Edited on 07-11-2006 by Doggy]
alli Ronald

Registered: 20th Aug 04
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7th Nov 06 at 09:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ur putting all that ICE into a corsa B diesel with tatty bodywork?... the ICE is prolly worth more than the car! i wouldnt bother mate, id tidy up the body and leave it as a runner. sorry I cant be more constructive.

Registered: 6th Nov 06
Location: Barnsley
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7th Nov 06 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The ICE was V Cheap, If you check out websites and keep a look out for end of line/Clearence stock ICE you can pick up that little lot for around £150

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7th Nov 06 at 10:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'd just keep it as a run around, theres no point throwing too much cash at it. As Ash says, you never recoup it.

Registered: 6th Nov 06
Location: Barnsley
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7th Nov 06 at 11:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ok thanks, so got about £3k to spend any recomendations. Been out of the car scene for a bit, always had bikes but you cant get misses and kids on a bike.
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7th Nov 06 at 11:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Doggy
Ok thanks, so got about £3k to spend any recomendations. Been out of the car scene for a bit, always had bikes but you cant get misses and kids on a bike.

missus on the back, get the kids some rollerskates and a bit of rope to tie to the back

Marcy Marc

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7th Nov 06 at 11:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Doggy
Ok thanks, so got about £3k to spend any recomendations. Been out of the car scene for a bit, always had bikes but you cant get misses and kids on a bike.

how old are you?

I picked up my 106 gti for around £3k so you should be able to find one with that price.
Is insurance gonna be a problem?

[Edited on 07-11-2006 by Reedy]

Registered: 6th Nov 06
Location: Barnsley
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7th Nov 06 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not really Im 42 so insurance v cheap, I just want something with a bit of poke but can carry misses and 3 kids 106 a bit too small

Registered: 28th Nov 03
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7th Nov 06 at 13:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Mate I wouldnt spend the time and money on it

If you have that amount of money to spend and still want a corsa , then you could easily get yourself a nice 1.6 Sport with all the electrics etc . . .

Registered: 6th Nov 06
Location: Barnsley
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7th Nov 06 at 13:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by
Mate I wouldnt spend the time and money on it

If you have that amount of money to spend and still want a corsa , then you could easily get yourself a nice 1.6 Sport with all the electrics etc . . .

Thanks mate, yeah I wanna stick with the corsa because they are easy to work on cheap to run but can just squeeze the family in (even takes the babies pushchair, 2 booster seats and baby seat in the back)

[Edited on 07-11-2006 by Doggy]

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