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Cheapest found so far £146, can anybody beat the price, and it must be done before friday 
(for a corsa b, 1998)
Thanks for any help xx
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Fully comp insurance - £50 excess!
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
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Its a £200 excess.
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
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on your windscreen? usually a seperate excess to your normal insurance and is £50 excess for windscreen damage, thats what it says on my policy and my parents policy seems to be the same.
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The excess for a windscreen is lower than the normal policy excess.
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I'll try find out tomorrow how much lower the excess is
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makes a change form an extra dent i spose
Ye should be £50 excess for a windscreen
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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quote: Originally posted by nova_gteuk
makes a change form an extra dent i spose
Ye should be £50 excess for a windscreen
It's not even my car 
I was messing with the mirror in fro-dizzles car and that happened
Registered: 15th May 02
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dont have much luck do ya whittie.
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
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on my insurance policies it has been raised to £60 now
if fro is fully comp then thats your cheapest option
you dont even have to call the insurance company
just phone autoglass, national windscreens etc and ask them if they deal with his insurance co
if they do then you pay them the £60 and they charge the insurance company
also remember it doesnt affect no claims
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I wasn't fully comp, I was TPFT with Tesco and it cost me £25 for a new screen with a tinted strip, even though it didn't originally have one
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Take it those mirrors are stuck on well then?
I need a new windscreen too got a little crack developing at the bottom. Shouldn't effect your NCB's either on the windscreen excess part of your insurance so I got told.
So if Fro is fully comp give him the £50 and should be sorted in no time.
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The mirror SLIDES off, Whittie apparently just pulled it
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Alex, try these for Fro:
Cost me £85 + VAT for my windscreen, with the standard green tinted strip too
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Im seeing him again tomorrow sometime, so i'll tell him the good news
if hes fully comp
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
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like robin said some have windscreen cover on tpft polices
I did a similar thing years ago in the scrap yard but I just left a big hole in the screen
it was held in place from sliding by a grub screw and I didnt have a allen key
took some right yanking off too!
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Just heard from him, he isn't fully comp
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Neither was I.