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Author engine pinking... igniton timing

Registered: 22nd Jun 07
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23rd Nov 07 at 11:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ok ladies, so how do i find out how to sort it? lol

Registered: 16th Jan 06
Location: Devon
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23rd Nov 07 at 16:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave A
Originally posted by csweatherston

pinking is basicly this:
the compressed air/fuel mixture is being pre-ignited by a heat/ignition scource other than the spark plug.

detonation is very different:
the compressed air/fuel mixture is being pre-ignited by the spark plug, meaning ignition timing is too far advanced.


Pinking is almost the same as detonation.....the second description..

the first description is pre-ignition.

'pinking' is a term used to describe 'PRE IGNITION' and 'DET' or 'KNOCK' are terms used to describe detonation. Come back when you are a qualified EFI technician and try and fail me

no it isnt, pre ignition can occur without pinking.. pre igniting is a symptom of KNOCK/DET..
..oh, and i am a qualified EFI technician

shall i find you a link, possibly wiki?

[Edited on 23-11-2007 by csweatherston]

Registered: 16th Jan 06
Location: Devon
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23rd Nov 07 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Someone Intelligent
Knocking (also called pinking or pinging)— colloquially detonation—in internal combustion engines occurs when air/fuel mixture in the cylinder has been ignited by the spark plug and the smooth burning is interrupted by the unburned mixture in the combustion chamber exploding before the flame front can reach it. The engineered combusting process ceases, because of the explosion, before the optimum moment for the four-stroke cycle. The resulting shockwave reverberates in the combustion chamber, creating a characteristic metallic "pinging" sound, and pressures increase catastrophically.

Normal combustion
Under ideal conditions the common piston internal combustion engine burns its fuel air mix in the cylinder in an orderly and controlled fashion. The combustion is started by the spark plug some 15–40 crankshaft degrees prior to TDC (top dead center), the point of maximum compression. This ignition advance allows time for the combustion process to develop peak pressure at the ideal time for maximum recovery of work from the expanding gases. This point is typically 14–18 crankshaft degrees ATDC (after top dead center).

The spark plug produces an electrical spark that jumps a small gap from its center electrode to its ground electrode. This spark, if the air/fuel mix is within the flammable range for the fuel, initiates combustion. The initial phase forms a small kernel of flame approximately the size of the spark plug gap. For the first few milliseconds of the combustion process, this flame kernel is struggling to survive, producing only slightly more heat than is necessary to continue the combustion process. As it grows in size its heat output increases allowing it to grow even faster.

After this early slow burn phase passes, the flame kernel grows much faster expanding rapidly across the combustion chamber. This growth is due to the travel of the flame front through the combustible fuel air mix itself and due to turbulence rapidly stretching the burning zone into a complex of fingers of burning fuel air that have a much greater surface area than a simple spherical ball of flame would have. This greatly accelerates the combustion process.

In normal combustion, this flame front moves throughout the fuel air mix at a rate characteristic for the fuel-air mixture. Pressure rises smoothly to a peak, burning nearly all the available fuel then falls as the piston descends. In normal combustion this produces a rapid increase in cylinder pressure as the piston passes TDC and begins to move down the cylinder. As mentioned above in a properly tuned engine the maximum cylinder pressure is achieved a few crankshaft degrees after the piston passes TDC, so that the increasing pressure can give the piston a hard push when its speed and mechanical advantage on the crank shaft gives the best recovery of force from the expanding gases.

The fuel/air mixture is normally ignited slightly before the point of maximum compression to allow a small time for the flame-front of the burning fuel to expand throughout the mixture so that maximum pressure occurs at the optimum point. The flame-front moves at roughly 33.5 m/second (110 feet/second) during normal combustion[citation needed]. It is only when the remaining unburned mixture is heated and pressurized by the advancing flame front for a certain length of time that the detonation occurs. It is caused by an instantaneous ignition of the remaining fuel/air mixture in the form of an explosion. The cylinder pressure rises dramatically beyond its design limits and if allowed to persist detonation will damage or destroy engine parts.

A non conventional engine that makes use of detonation to improve efficiency and decrease pollutants is the Bourke engine.

Detonation can be prevented by:

The use of a fuel with higher octane rating
The addition of octane-increasing "lead", methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), isooctane, or other antiknock agents.
Increasing the amount of fuel injected/inducted (resulting in lower Air to Fuel Ratio)
Reduction of cylinder pressure by increasing the engine revolutions (lower gear), decreasing the manifold pressure (throttle opening) or reducing the load on the engine, or any combination.
Reduction of charge (in-cylinder) temperatures (such as through cooling, water injection or compression ratio reduction).
Retardation of spark plug ignition.
Improved combustion chamber design that concentrates mixture near the spark plug and generates high turbulence to promote fast even burning.
Use of a spark plug of colder heat range in cases where the spark plug insulator has become a source of pre-ignition leading to detonation.
Correct ignition timing is essential for optimum engine performance and fuel efficiency. Modern automotive and small-boat engines have sensors that can detect knock and retard (delay) the ignition (spark plug firing) to prevent it, allowing engines to safely use petrol of below-design octane rating, with the consequence of reduced power and efficiency.

A knock sensor consists of a small piezoelectric microphone, on the engine block, connected to the engine's ECU. Spectral analysis is used to detect the trademark frequency produced by detonation at various RPM. When detonation is detected the ignition timing is retarded, reducing the knocking and protecting the engine. See also Automatic Performance Control (APC).

Pre-ignition is a different phenomenon from detonation, explained above, and occurs when the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder (or even just entering the cylinder) ignites before the spark plug fires. Pre-ignition is caused by an ignition source other than the spark. Heat or hot spots can buildup in engine intake or cylinder components due to improper design, for example, spark plugs with heat range too hot for the conditions, or due to carbon deposits in the combustion chamber. Spark plugs with a high heat range will run hot enough to burn off deposits that lead to plug fouling in a worn engine, but the electrode of the plug itself can occasionally heat soak, and begin glowing hot enough to become an uncontrolled ignition source on its own. Bits of carbon that build up in a combustion chamber can also heat soak to the point where they also are glowing hot and ignite the air-fuel mixture before the proper time.

Pre-ignition and "dieseling" or "run on" are the same phenomenon, except in the latter case the engine continues to run after the ignition is shut off with a hot spot as an ignition source. Pre-ignition might cause rough running due to the advanced and erratic effective igniton timing and may cause noise if it leads to detonation. It may also cause "rumble" which is fast and premature but not detonating combustion.

This heat buildup can only be prevented by eliminating the overheating (through redesign or cleaning) or the compression effects (by reducing the load on the engine or temperature of intake air). As such, if pre-ignition is allowed to continue for any length of time, power output and fuel economy is reduced and engine damage may result. The engine might be slightly harder to get running at once after pre-ignition.

Pre-ignition may lead to detonation and detonation may lead to pre-ignition or either may exist separately.

highlighting this area "Pre-ignition is a different phenomenon from detonation"...


Registered: 16th Jan 06
Location: Devon
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24th Nov 07 at 20:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


chase me dave chase me

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