Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Graham88
Cars who purposely move in my way when I'm filtering because they're jealous I'm making progress and they're not
People at pumps who expect me to move forwards even though there is nowhere to push my bike as there's a car infront
People who stretch the hose OVER my bike because they're that impatient.
People who edge forwards whilst I'm putting my gloves back on after paying, give me 2 seconds you impatient twat
When I park in a parking space, and all of a sudden it means the person who pulls in next to me can park really close to my bike as I'm not taking the whole space up
I used to get all them, except the people getting the hose over the bike. That's just petty. People in german cars used to try and get in my way, so I stopped behind them, waited a second, then blasted past them I make sure there's room for bikes when I'm in traffic, no matter what people go on about, I respect bikers and just love bikes so let them pass every time.
Coming into Oxford the other day in the van, I stopped before a pedestrian corssing, like you're meant to, and this guy in a Z3 came along the bus lane and went onto the crossing, then waved because he thought I was waiting for him. Did he not have his brain switched on that day or what? Stupid bloke in a suit.
Cyclists who don't use the cycle path when there is one. My mate overtook one the other day, I was in the passenger seat so shouted "there is a cycle path" and the bloke stuck his arms in the air. He's making us overtake on a blind turn when there is a cycle path on the other side of the road! Who is in the wrong? Plus he was wearing yellow. Bright yellow.
People who think they're way better than you so try and push in. There is a roundabout on the way to work that everyone filters through on, because a toll bridge makes it queue back. Vans and general idiots always try and push in front, especially from the left. I let one person from each side go, then every one else can get lost.
Also, I was doing 30 through a village in the van, and a bloke in a Vectra C 2.2 overtook on a blind turn, and I got stuck behind him at the lights, so he got nowhere. When that happens I always stop millimeters away from their bumper 
People who just go ridiculously slow are one of the worst. When I'm going home for dinner, you get out my way 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures