Registered: 1st Jul 08
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Hey everyone, im looking to fit a nova 1.3sr engine into my 1.0 12v corsa and was wondering if any one on here has fitted a nova engine into a corsa? ive seen a few bobbing about with the e16se's in them etc.
need help with...
which coolant system to use? corsa's or nova's
what offside engine mount would i use?
what loom would i use? planning on twin 40's so would i just use the ancillerie loom thats on my corsa?
fuel connection's?
thats about it i think any help would be appreciated.
Registered: 8th Oct 08
Location: Berkshire
User status: Offline
Seems like ALOT of arse ache for very little gain.
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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Corsa coolant system, using 1.2/1.4 8v pipework.
Use a 1.2 8v Corsa offside mount.
Loom wise, if you're going for carbs, use the alternator/starter loom from the corsa and don't worry about the rest.
Fuel lines you'll have to make, but they'll be easy enough.
Might even be able to use an SPI throttle cable, or a Nova one.
Registered: 1st Jul 08
User status: Offline
Thanks alot.. i want to be different with the engine choice, i am aiming for around 120bhp with a fully rebuilt F10 5 speed gearbox with LSD and 4.53CWP
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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quote: Originally posted by DaveyLC
Seems like ALOT of arse ache for very little gain.
nearly same power as the 1.8 16v though?
Registered: 1st Jul 08
User status: Offline
its a corsa b mate