sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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ok ppl i need help ive been tryin 2 decide wot car 2 get over summer, but keep changin me mind between the above options.
i really like saxo's despite wot the rest of u think of them and had decided to get a vtr, however, i also would like something fast like clio 16v, but this means gettin an older car, which is like takin a step backwards, but its cheaper.
so i wud like sum opinions plz, im lookin at spendin sumthin in the region of £5-6k n no higher than ins grp 12/13
Registered: 11th May 02
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corsa all the way
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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i am not keen on the idea of another corsa, its like...been there, dun that, mite come back in the future for a C20 LET conversion
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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sounds like uve made ur mind up already
i say stick wiv the corsa you know the car and what to expect get french shite and ull only be dissapointed
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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im likin the idea of a clio valver tho 
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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clios look ok dunno much bout em just tagged em as fench shite
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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no1 else got any opinions on 'em?
Registered: 25th Jun 02
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ill sell you my 1.6 Sport mate. i had a 1.4 8v Sri before my sport and its deffo worth stickin with a Corsa. IMO. (not just sayin that coz i wanna sell my car. Honest)
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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how bout a VTS
Registered: 9th Nov 02
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Daewoo Matiz, 850cc
Well powerful they are. Be careful though fella, don't wanna break your neck with the G-Force.
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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vts is 1 ins grp higher that 106 gti for more or less the same car, plus saxos r more common 
daewoo matiz tho...............ooooooh im tempted 
im leanin more towards the clio valver now really slammable n quick too
1.8 16v 140bhp 0-60 in 7.9, quite a high top end too but cant remember it rite now
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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1.8 clios are very fast!!! Feel alot quicker than they are. I'd say they clio if u can find a tidy, non-ragged model
Registered: 18th Apr 03
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yeah, i'd say clio as well.
m8s got one with 110K on it, still going strong.
watch out for clutches though, i've heard they r quite weak?
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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My mate also has one with 110k on the clocks. 1.8 16v williams replica.
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
User status: Offline
i am edging ever closer to the clio 
i can pick up a mint N reg clio 16v with low mileage for between £2.5-3.5k, and my budget will be about ££5-6k so therefore i wud have in the region of £2-3k to mod it 
me dad pays me insurance
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: In front of my pc
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hats off sxi boy's dad
if hes payin insurance get urself a j reg mr2
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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he pays it as long as its reasonable 
i.e. not grp 19 sorta thing
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: In front of my pc
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o lol
Registered: 25th Sep 01
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id be tempted for maybe the 106 gti