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Author tradesmen what do you do??

Registered: 7th Aug 09
Location: Sevenoaks kent
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4th Oct 09 at 21:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Bonney66
Have you also considered a van vault.

My old Mans a plumber he has had one for over 7 yrs now. He swears by it. His van (mazda e2000 and transporter) both been broken into but becuase all the power tools were in the vault they get away with nothing a tile cutter last time:rolleyes

I had two in my company van and again broken into and they even tried to crowbar it off the floor but wasn't going anywhere!!

Yes bit expensive but have got to weight up the cost it will be to replace all of them to maybe a £300 one off payment!

You can have all the fancy big locks n plates but its been herad they will just cut a whole it the side of the van!! Even if the alrams going off takes to secs to grab what you want n run!!

Would recommed these to anyone with anything vauleable left in the van overnight!!

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