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Author Lots of smoke from exhaust ;O

Registered: 2nd Sep 09
Location: Denmark
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6th Nov 09 at 17:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In attempt to make my engine stop pinging today, I was changing the oil using an 'engine flush' (also known as 'oil system cleaner') additive, which should remove all the cork and sludge remains around the engine, including the hydraulic lifters.

Also when I was filling in the new thinner oil (5w/30) I added another additive called 'Hydraulic lifters additive' which also should clean and maintain the valves.
- It was like some very thick oil really.

But now, after the job is done - it smokes really really really much out of the exhaust, mostly in idle and low rpm, when you rev the engine it doesn't get worse, it's actually getting less.

For example, an hour ago - I was stopping for a red light, and while waiting for it to be green, more and more smoke was really getting around everywhere (not inside the car) and by the time the light changed to green and I drove through the traffic lights, it just shot a huge burst of smoke out of the exhaust and dark lid the whole traffic lights - everything was just foggy. 2 cars even horned at me, I believe its becouse their visibility got really low, lol ;/

What could be wrong?
At first I thought my headgasket were blown, but there's no water in the oil, or oil in the water

And btw, the smoke is white

(After all the trouble I've had lately I think its just easier to swap the engine lol.)

[Edited on 06-11-2009 by XozziDK]

Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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6th Nov 09 at 19:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

white smoke water fella, check that your not loosing coolant at all.. My 14xe smokes like a bitch with 5w30 in it, as the cars sposed to have 10w40 from factory.. Best change it back to that.. But the 14 & 16xe engines smoke like a gooden if its mildely cool / damp..

Registered: 2nd Sep 09
Location: Denmark
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6th Nov 09 at 22:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it only smokes alot when its warmed up.
cold start is pretty normal smoke and then it just gets worse and worse..

well I had 10w40 on, and I was told it was wayy to thick for the engine, and also accordinly to kroon-oil's website it says 0w40 recommended, and 5w30 alternative

check it out.

But well, it could be becouse its just eating oil ??? ;o

Registered: 2nd Sep 09
Location: Denmark
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7th Nov 09 at 16:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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