Registered: 25th Jun 09
Location: Cheshire
User status: Offline
well im been offered an inphase amp for free
now whats up with it is, its been connected up the wrong way round and just went boom!
so i was wondering, even though its a very vague description, what could be the problem?
or if anybody knows of any companys that could repair it for me?
x14xe ry
Registered: 11th Nov 08
Location: Gravesend, Kent
User status: Offline
i'd say leave it and buy one that works would be what i'd do mate
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
As above, no amp is worth repairing over.
Went boom for a reason.
Premium Member
Registered: 15th Jul 09
Location: Gravesend
User status: Offline
check the fuses (standard car blade fuses should be on the side) could be a 20p fix .... if its not that then bin it as repairing amps costs more than they are worth 
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