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Author corsa c still mis-firing. please im getting desperate now!! girl in trouble!

Registered: 14th Mar 10
Location: wales
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17th Mar 10 at 20:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This was my original post below:

Got a 51 plate corsa 1.0 12v, 3 cylinder. Started when spanner icon came on an the rev counter wasn't working. Then the icon went off an it worked. Car ran fine though. Then, next day car cut out, so left it over night and it started fine in the morning, but crank sensor came up on mates comp so we replaced that. started the car and it appeared to be mis-firing when we wer driving along with spanner icon flashing on and off. Then it dropped onto 2 cylinder and eml light came on. Changed spark plugs, fuel filter and coil pack. Still mis-firing. Shoved on computor at Vaxhall and now says egr valve. So we're guna test it today and clean it up etc. If its naffed we'l replace that. But my boyfriend seems to think the ecu could be playing up as the cars throwin up difrent errors everytime. I'm at my wits end, had the car a month, and saved up bloody months for the thing. And now this... Someone please help!! as i can't give it to Vahxhall to sort because of their astronomical prices!

Then someone suggested this:

Blank off the egr valve, the how to is in this forum. That gets rid of that. The spanner means the car needs a service, Undo the earth strap while blanking off the egr valve, this will re set the ecu so that some of your error codes will not reappear. Also clean the throttle body, and the icv valve, which is on the throttle body as well, also give the tps a clean, also on the throttle body, or is on my 14xe anyway. There is a how to to help with cleaning both the idle control valve, and the tps as well. Your probs. will possibly be the idle control valve icv, and the egr valve. Quite right not to give to vauxhall, they are one of the worst rip off merchants to be had.

We did that an still the same. Put 2 new lambda sensors on today, took her out for drive... Cars drives okayish at first then as its gets hotter starts to mis-fire, spanner light flickers then goes to eml light and drops onto 2 cylinder, an loses power. we put mates computer back on it an says same fault which we've had few times now: random multiple mis-fire.

any suggestions pleeasssssse i can't cope!!


Registered: 19th Jun 06
Location: Sunbury, Surrey
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17th Mar 10 at 21:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tbh i dont think the spanner is a service light. I have omega and i used to think the spanner was service, but its actually more like the EML light. Shows up when something is wrong with the car.

Could be wrong mind.

Registered: 14th Mar 10
Location: wales
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17th Mar 10 at 21:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yep, no expert but i thought that too. its comes up then something goes wrong... thought service message came up on mileage counter. Anyways any answers any1!!!!

Registered: 30th Aug 08
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17th Mar 10 at 21:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

with all them different codes/faults i would see if i could get hold of a cheap ecu

Registered: 14th Mar 10
Location: wales
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17th Mar 10 at 21:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ye, but if it was an ecu fault, wouldn't the ecu have its own code show up? every code thats come up has been related to something individual. crank sensor hasn't come up since we've changed it. we've blanked off the egr valve. now back to random multiple misfire.. could be cam sensor?

[Edited on 17-03-2010 by emma24]

Registered: 29th Jul 06
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17th Mar 10 at 22:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

have you had the dash out for any reason as loose or dodgy main multiplug at rear will send ecu lots of false errors.

Registered: 14th Mar 10
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18th Mar 10 at 09:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 14th Mar 10
Location: wales
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18th Mar 10 at 11:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well well. wen my dearest boyfriend replaced the crank he must of somehow bent one of the pins on the ecu. cos he noticed a bent one today, straightened it out an hey presto fiiixxxeddddddddddd ! shame we've replaced all that we have wen it was a bent pin on ecu cos of him!!! o wel!

[Edited on 18-03-2010 by emma24]

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