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Author eml not coming on

Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Swansea
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15th Jun 10 at 17:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as above striped the engine to do headgasket, exhaust manifold and clutch change and since i put it back together the eml light doesn't come on when i turn the ignition on and kinda need it so i can do the paperclip test, which i need to do to find out what's wrong with the engine unless someone on here knows.

car revs up to around 2k then drops down to around 200rpm a couple of times when the car is started.

if i try stopping to slow down for lights, traffic etc the engine cuts out

fan hasn't kicked in since i put it back together

doesn't rev above 4.5k (dont need it to but could be part of another problem)

so far i've changed the icv and crank sensor and unplugged all of the loom coming out of the plastic case thing going behind the inlet manifold and under the water tank and plugged hopefully all of them back in but may have missed some which may be causing the eml not to come on but dont know.

inside the car i havnt touched any wires but did have my cat 1 alarm disconnected by a mate who does car security because the fob stopped working with it and personally i dont have a clue how they're wired in. (had this done because car was off the road for about a month whilst i was doing the work and fobbed stopped working so could test the car, so alarm was also taken out between when the eml was working and when it stopped.

i changed the crank sensor and icv to try and raise the revs and make the car idle but none of them worked and not sure what other sensors would be involed in the problem so any advice would be much appreciated

[Edited on 15-06-2010 by jamjar15]

Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Swansea
User status: Offline
15th Jun 10 at 17:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

also cars a 2000 corsa b 1.6 16v sport with what i think are gsi clocks for some reason

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