Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
User status: Offline
i guys almost got my engine ready to go in and iv forgotten where 2 cooling pipes go can some one tell me please? many thanks lee
fistly this one:

i think it could possibly be off this pipe? which iv replaced

and this one its a long skinny one that comes out of the throttle body next to a pipe of simlar size?
you can see the pipe i mean coming towards the camera on the right

[Edited on 20-09-2010 by SRI-LEE]
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
User status: Offline
anyone any ideas please
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
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Registered: 12th Mar 07
Location: Glascote, Staffordshire
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The first one goes on the left hand hole on the plastic pipe mate heres a pic of mine if that helps

Got a better pic of the second pipe mate? Its either the inlet or outlet pipe for the throttle body but I can't tell from the pic Where does the other pipe on the throttle body lead to?
[Edited on 21-09-2010 by shaunmods]
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by shaunmods
The first one goes on the left hand hole on the plastic pipe mate heres a pic of mine if that helps

Got a better pic of the second pipe mate? Its either the inlet or outlet pipe for the throttle body but I can't tell from the pic Where does the other pipe on the throttle body lead to?
[Edited on 21-09-2010 by shaunmods]
thanks shaun that is an immenseful help! i thought that about the larger pipe, id lost the pipe for there and orderd a new one from vauxhall then i found that oh well new be better
sorry i dont have a better pic il get one if need be,its the longer pipe out of the 2 and its nearest the block,where it goes is what i would like to know? thanks alot shaun mate big help 
p.s love your car! amazingly clean
[Edited on 21-09-2010 by SRI-LEE]
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Registered: 12th Mar 07
Location: Glascote, Staffordshire
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quote: Originally posted by SRI-LEE
thanks shaun that is an immenseful help! i thought that about the larger pipe, id lost the pipe for there and orderd a new one from vauxhall then i found that oh well new be better
sorry i dont have a better pic il get one if need be,its the longer pipe out of the 2 and its nearest the block,where it goes is what i would like to know? thanks alot shaun mate big help 
p.s love your car! amazingly clean
No worries mate The second pipe will go to one of two places depending on which pipe it is.
Its either this pipe here which I've tried to mark it in red as its not very clear but it connects to a T piece joint on the pipe that comes off the lower inlet.

If its not that one it then its connects to the left hand side port of the expansion tank mate.
Basically it allows coolant to flow in and out of the throttle body, then back into the main system
Registered: 16th Feb 08
Location: kendal
User status: Offline
awesome thanks mate,it must be the expansion tank one then as the t-piece one is connected thanks alot for the help mate much appreciated!