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Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hi there i own 2 sports ones red ones black the red is off road being made into hopfully summat special javascript:icon('')but my black one is how ever on the road and last night i was driving down my road on way back from some where and i got 50 yards from my house and it coughed once so i pulled up let it idle and then switched off all seemed fine now the fuel was low (VERY LOW) so when i restarted it it cut out on me obviously first instincts shit it ran out of fuel so i went garage and nice full can of V-POWER at £1.40 a litrejavascript:icon('') puts it in spins it over it tried to start as in just firing not continueous now im not thick when comes to engines so thought just needs to get through lines and it will be reet but no 10 minutes still nothing but it did how ever start for a breath moment off a little squirt of easy start so that then told me its not gettin fuel through and just to ad more into it she has a cobra cat 1 almarm/immob system installed so i thought its not completly immobilised as its firing and started off sniff so i checked to see if i could here fuel pump spinning i couldnt so i did what i did on my last corsa sri 16v put a wire directly to fuel pump from amp remote wire on stereo it started to spin i thought great theres my problem so i tried again it was gettin a tiny bit better but not great after trying and tryin the starter motor has now give up so this morning i took plugs out and they look shafted and wet smell of fuel and ive found a HT lead shorting out aswell to a another HT cap so i intend to replace the plugs and leads and starter of course but could it be that the engine is flooded causing this or is there some one who has had simalar to this and fixed it as it just died on me also the other morning when i started it up when i tried revving it it was powerless missing terrible and bogging down it did climb up the rev counter but very slowly and as the engine got hotter the problem got better until it eventually went away could these problems be connected any insight into this problem would be great i thank you in advance for any feed back on this just before i go rip the engine to bits (again) and also if anyone knows the best way to get the started off please please let me know as im gonna scream soon and throw my toys out of the pram cheers dan javascript:icon('')

Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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16th Dec 10 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like coilpack/leads if its misfiring through the rev range

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yea i thought that for the revving up problem as my eco tech vectra did it and that was the fix but would it explain it just dieng on me but yet wont start off fuel but will off easy start??? plugs are shit aswell so maybe weak spark cant ignite fuel???

Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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16th Dec 10 at 15:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i suppose it could be a combination of knackered coil pack and the fouled plugs, might be worth changing coil pack leads and plugs

Edit: just noticed you in preston, im only in blackpool if you cover my petrol i have a spare coilpack that you can have, and i'll drop it off for you tonight (it's 2nd hand but im pretty confident it's in full working order )

[Edited on 16-12-2010 by Phillips_91]

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

amd also car was running fine up until it died on me but it didnt just cut out it like coughed and spluttered and bogged when tried revving it then it just died so thats why i intially thought it was fuel

Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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16th Dec 10 at 15:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When was fuel filter last changed? if your tank was really low it could of sucked in a load of shit from the bottom Could be preventing the fuel from getting to the cylinders, is there any pressure in the fuel rail?

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how much fuel you want mate i can spare a tenner

Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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16th Dec 10 at 15:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you have a u2u

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i pushed the little valve on rail it did come out how ever it wasnt cranking at the time and also mate if you a spre trolley jack that would be great as the scissor jacks i had it on collapsed and my poor corsa hit the deck before while i was fighting with the starter motor but there wasnt great pressure in the rail but the plugs and pistons wer wet with fuel cheers dan

Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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16th Dec 10 at 15:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i don't have a spare 1 but have one that you can use when i drop the coilpack off, but would mean working in the dark can't really lend it out as it's my bosses not mine

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ok dude no worries av just got some ramps off me mate should be fun gettin it on them lol as its sat on its arse and doesnt run hahaha

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 15:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have messaged you back mate

Registered: 14th Apr 09
Location: Wirral, Merseyside drives: corsa turbo
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16th Dec 10 at 20:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This happened to me mate i swerved the eco-shite and let mine but obv not everyone can afford it but redtop is probs the way forward to eliminate this completly

Registered: 15th Dec 10
Location: north west - preston
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16th Dec 10 at 20:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was thinking of doing it but i could replace my whole engine 6 times for the price of one decent redtop i dont think its the engine at fault mate i think its flooded from me starting it driving it forward a few feet then switching it off vauxhall themselves have told the 1.6 eco is terrible for flooding itself and unlike others you have gotta stop fuel from gettin in while your crankin it over and couple of drops of 3 in 1 oil down the plkug holes to re seal the rings to get the compression back that it looses when fuel gets past the rings and it fire up once running re-connect fuel other engines u turn key off pedal to floor turn on keep cranking till start but not thsi i burnt my starter out and omg how hard is it to get at jesus christ not had as much hard work as that since i had to tidy my room when i was a kid so if you know anyone with a starter that will fit i wud much apprciate it thanks alot dan

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