Registered: 17th May 10
Location: Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset
User status: Offline
hey there, was just wondering if anyone could help me. basically ive aqquired a gsi front bumper and i am going to get it sprayed black to match my car. i want to have the top part of the bumper the same colour as standard arch trims though. so that it looks like a post 97 bumper from the swage line upwards. can anyone help me get this effect/finish if so would be brilliant if you could let me know paint codes/colours/techniques. thanks nick.
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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satin black
Registered: 15th Sep 08
Location: Glasgow City
User status: Offline
use masking tape and and brown paper and make a line and cover the part you done want painted
Registered: 20th Jan 10
Location: Blackpool. Drives: Sapphire Black Mk4 Astra 1.8
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im also trying to replicate this, except mines arden and standard, i will be having the bumper tops and arches sprayed in satin black, only colour i can think of that will be close to a perfect match
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
It is, thats why I said satin black
Registered: 17th May 10
Location: Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset
User status: Offline
cheers for your help. i was thinking though..... surely once its been sprayed satin black. once i laqure it, will it not start shining like a gloss finish??
Registered: 15th Sep 08
Location: Glasgow City
User status: Offline
if your removing the textured finish and smoothing it then doing it gloss black with a laquered finish then it will have a shine to it, if your just painting over the textured finish then it wont be as bad and still have the kinda oe look to it, im doing mines arden blue but all my arches and bumper tops are going vauxhall technical grey with a laquered finish so that its easier to polish the whole car
Registered: 14th Jan 10
Location: Manchester Drives: Vehicles
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i did this on my last bumper, masked it off and used paint stripper, took me about an hour, then obvioisly painted the bottom after.
Registered: 17th May 10
Location: Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset
User status: Offline
that is absolute genius, looks really smart aswell. thank you very much everyone for your help
Registered: 17th May 10
Location: Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset
User status: Offline
bumper is coming along nicely, decided to use the paint stripping technique. coming up exactly how i want it. only had time to do one half though as the darkness came in and its all looking a bit messy.

once finish this just gota get the rest sprayed black and its ready to go on. not bad considering i got the bumper with fogs and splitter all lugs intact for the grand sum of......... £30