Registered: 27th Feb 06
Location: St. Helens
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Im after painting the scuttle on my punto as Im sick of back to blacking it every week, its the same texture as a corsa one but its nice and flat in shape with no nooks and crannys, so Im thinking of tackling it my self
what do I need to go and get from halfords then? sand paper types, primer types ect, and the mostly, whats the best way of going about it?
Registered: 8th Nov 10
Location: england
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Give it a quick rub with some 600 wet and dry paper, few light layers of primer (i used standard grey primer) rub down with some 800 wet and dry them give it whatever colour your doing it (a few light coats) then rub down with 1000 wet and dry with plenty of water then laquer it. when it's been dry for a few days give it a good Tcut and polish
I didn't sand mine too much as i wanted it to look standard but done it about a year ago and it still looks nice and fresh
Registered: 15th Mar 11
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If you've been using a silcone based back to black you may find you'll get paint reaction. I'd recommend giving it a good clean and wipe down with some degreaser/ panel wipe or thinners.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
peanut butter works much better than back to black imo