Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
hi, was on the road yesterday for 10 minutes and my car cut out. initially thought it was due to lack of petrol as i was on way to the petrol station. but then after getting towed to petrol station and refuelling, my car was still not firing up. i replaced the fuel pump after thinking it werent working, as it was not shooting out petrol when turning the ignition over, but even with the new one on its still not firing up. i have checked the purple fuse ( relay) behind the glove box and it is fine, and also run wire from the battery to fuel pump to check to see if it is working, and the fuel pump does work. What else can it be !!!! would be really grateful to anyone that can help. cheers
[Edited on 02-09-2011 by brommaz145]
Registered: 16th Mar 11
Location: birmingham
User status: Offline
Isnt there 2 Relays? So its all working just not getting petrol to engine?
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
this ^
or, fuel filter not blocked up?
Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
not entirely sure if theres 2 or not, and yeah all working but when the fuel pump is connected etc, theres no petrol coming out of it. so there surely must be a problem with the connection from the relay to the pump?
Registered: 16th Mar 11
Location: birmingham
User status: Offline
Look next to the relay you have checked make sure they are all good?
Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
i managed to get my car started, but it keeps cutting out ! it will work for 5-10 minutes and then not at all ? have come to the conclusion that there may be an electrical fault rather than a fuel problem, but cant think what !? any ideas.. cheers
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
User status: Offline
worn away wire somewhere maybe?
Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
maybe, but will be a mission to find out which one etc. will have to have someone proffesional take a look
Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
have now replaced the fuel pump, both fuel pump relays, as well as made sure there are no bad earths, i havn't got a clue whats going on now haha
Registered: 21st Oct 09
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crank sensor, mine cut out once and wouldnt start. left it at home came back to show my mate it wouldnt start and low and behold it did, went on a 10 minute trip to shops and back and just as I went to park it cut out again and refused to start. No problems since the new sensor but it was a patent one so it will probably happen again!
so yea, change the crank sensor!
Registered: 17th Feb 11
User status: Offline
okayy matee cheers ! got a mate looking at it at the moment, so will give him a shout