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Author Here we go again. Minimum booze pricing

Registered: 9th May 08
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28th May 11 at 05:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Andrew
No problem them putting it on beer, it's not an essential. I need a fuel to get to work, gas to keep me warm and food on the table. Those are what takes the piss IMO!!!


Originally posted by Gary
Plus if beer price goes up. Less folk drink which means there's less pissed up ladies about thus lower your chance of getting laid, Andrew!

But this too..

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28th May 11 at 09:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Originally posted by emicen

Harsher policing and sentencing isn't an option when the Police and courts are already overstretched.

[Edited on 27-05-2011 by emicen]

Its the only option that dosent punish the sensible drinkinkers.

But that would obv cost money and not make them money so no chance of that happening.

I can't find any specifics on the Scottish numbers, but this:

Really doesn't read to me much like sensible drinkers getting punished.

It does impact slightly. Tesco et al won't be able to do 16 pint bottles of Magners @ £16 anymore. 2.4 units would make a minimum of £1.20 a bottle. But in a pub situation, it wouldn't make a difference.

Problem is, 50p a unit woulf only price a large bottle of Bucky at £6 and £5odd for 2ltr cider isn't going to be a deterrent either. £1 a unit sounds a lot more like the level they'd need to actually have an impact. Again, doesn't really impact pub prices, but home drinking would suffer in this scenario.
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28th May 11 at 10:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Tbh we can throw these ideas and opinions about all day long but minimum pricing is still a Pisa take and treating us like children!

Also what they don't understand, is that it'll make no difference at all! People who 'binge drink' tend to be people with money so they'll just Pay the increased price but still drink the same. All that will happen is everyOne will have less money!

Registered: 19th Jun 10
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28th May 11 at 20:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by emicen
Originally posted by mattant
Gordon Brown rejected the minimum price per unit idea for England as he said it would 'punish responsible drinkers", however Gordon Brown isn't there anymore so who knows

It depends tbh. Is there such a thing as a responsible £3/3ltr cider drinker? Do people getting in to a £1 vodka mix promo know where to draw the line?

I wouldn't like to see it get to Scandinavia levels admittedly, even as a rare drinker.

I think he means it will affect people who buy bottles of wine, you don't buy a bottle of red wine to get drunk. I think instead he raised taxes on low alcoholic drinks like WKD.

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23rd Mar 12 at 13:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So... seems this is going to happen, at 40p a unit, meaning that my usual tipple Carling will be 80p a can, not a massive increase, but it'll still affect me as I like a drink in the evenings after work...


Just been reading the article on the BBC website, how can they substantiate this claim.. "He added: "We're consulting on the actual price, but if it is 40p that could mean 50,000 fewer crimes each year and 900 fewer alcohol related deaths per year by the end of the decade."?

Also, if they set a price limit on units, where does the money go? Will it be a further tax towards the government, or are the alcohol companies now be rubbing their hands together as they're going to be able to charge more for alcohol? - BBC link btw, seems like the retailers will make more as they won't be allowed to charge "too little" for alcohol

[Edited on 23-03-2012 by Cavey]

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23rd Mar 12 at 13:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why is ingham banned?

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23rd Mar 12 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by sc0ott
Why is ingham banned?

Because he was a massive jeb end.

Registered: 19th Mar 12
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23rd Mar 12 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm fucked if it does go up to £1 per unit, I rarely drink but when I do its a bottle of Jack or Martell, hurts to think of what it will cost me for a bottle.

This government gets more ridiculous by the day

Registered: 31st May 06
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23rd Mar 12 at 13:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

This will not solve anything.

In France / Spain you can buy bottles of wine for less than a euro but they don't have the problems we do. IMO the price of booze has no relation to it's misuse

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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23rd Mar 12 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

IM as irresponsible if I'm on a £3 3 litre bottle of cider or a small tenner bottle of southern comfort. Price is irrelevant if you wanna get wrecked and be a tit.
All it will do is annoy sensible people

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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23rd Mar 12 at 14:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It needs doing.. IMHO the tax should be grouped into Beers/Ales, Largers, Cider, Win & Spirits.. And then a tax based on the alchohol content in each group.
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23rd Mar 12 at 14:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats what minimum pricing is based on

40p per unit.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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23rd Mar 12 at 14:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Also, minimum pricing isnt gonna solve anything. I stick to what i said last year, the minority of people that are causing problems should be dealt with, not everyone.

Drunk and disorderly on the spot fines of £500 - £1000, that'd sort it!

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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23rd Mar 12 at 15:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Also, minimum pricing isnt gonna solve anything. I stick to what i said last year, the minority of people that are causing problems should be dealt with, not everyone.

Drunk and disorderly on the spot fines of £500 - £1000, that'd sort it!

But the sort of people that get done for D&D dont have that sort of money because they a poor scumbags.

I have been done before

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23rd Mar 12 at 15:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Gary
Thats what minimum pricing is based on

40p per unit.

I dont think it should be per unit though.. How many people get pissed up on wine and ale and then go out and cause a fight or beat up grannies?

Registered: 26th Sep 05
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23rd Mar 12 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by richc
Originally posted by Gary
Also, minimum pricing isnt gonna solve anything. I stick to what i said last year, the minority of people that are causing problems should be dealt with, not everyone.

Drunk and disorderly on the spot fines of £500 - £1000, that'd sort it!

But the sort of people that get done for D&D dont have that sort of money because they a poor scumbags.

I have been done before

Then it comes out of your benefit so you can't afford to buy as much booze for a couple of weeks. Dual punishment
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23rd Mar 12 at 15:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Davey, I know of a few lads who get tanked up on white wine and soda cos its cheap. Tend to kick off too

Registered: 18th Dec 11
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23rd Mar 12 at 16:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Doesn't bother me, I don't drink! And after living with an alcoholic I can't say I will want to drink for a very long time yet!

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Here we go again. Minimum booze pricing 23 database queries in 0.0202889 seconds