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Author If This Happened To A White Person?

Registered: 20th Apr 04
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23rd Mar 12 at 19:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm just wondering what the reaction would be if this person was white, I can't imagine it would be the same at all.

And incidentally, no mention of racism here, of course. Had it been the other way around, this would of been a racist motivated attack.


Registered: 11th Nov 02
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23rd Mar 12 at 19:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The kid got shot for "looking suspicious" on a gated estate by a member of neighbourhood watch.

But it's classed as self defence so he won't get arrested for it...

White or Black that's fucking ridiculous, of course it annoys me that people are marching saying it was a racist crime, but something should happen to the guy who did it

Didn't even see that other link, completely correct, 2 white guys walked into black town, got killed for it, but that's not racism

I guess they shouldn't of been Hanging with Mr. Cooper ...

"The court heard how the pair had been out for a meal with Mr Cooper's parents and then went drinking."

[Edited on 23-03-2012 by Cavey]
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24th Mar 12 at 02:35   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A white person wouldn't have been shot in an all white neighbourhood though. Unarmed is irrelevent. When I was in the RAF you could shoot someone that's unarmed and still use minimum force. Let's say I'm an 18 year old 10 stone lad with a big rifle and the other guy is a 35 year old 16 stone roider. He tries to attack you, the only thing you can do to win that fight is shoot him. You shoot to kill not shoot to maim. Just shit luck if you don't make it. No-one but the guy there at the time knows the full story. If it's self defence, it's self defence.

I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.

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24th Mar 12 at 09:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You should hear the 911 call from the guy who shot him though, they told him not to follow the guy but he did anyway. He should have been arrested for murder, if it was truly self defence then the police can let him go on his way.

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