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Author Tracking Question
SXI - Matt

Registered: 8th Jul 07
Location: Leicestershire Drives: Corsa C SRI
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28th Mar 12 at 09:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had my car tracked at tanvic tyres and had both front wheels balanced as well, was miles out and both tyres missing weights

Any way was miles better but the steering wheel was off centre took it back they corrected it and is now spot on, how ever when they tracked it last time they did it under 'sport suspension' as it has been lowered on eibach springs by 30mm, this time when they re done it they had it as 'standard suspension' will this make a difference to how it's tracked. When they re done it they said the toe in was wrong and needed adjusting but when they did it last time it was both green as i was watching when they were doing it, this time they were in the red by the same amount each side could this be due to they re did it under 'standard suspension' or does it not make a difference? It was the Hawk Eye system if any one is in the trade

Reading before was toe 012 both sides, after both 005 Seem's to corner better however might be in my head


Registered: 3rd Feb 07
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Evo (you can't afford one)
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28th Mar 12 at 09:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Your geometry will never been the same now you have lowered it but that's nothing to worry about. Most places will stress to you how wrong and inaccurate things are just to cover their back. I wouldn't worry too much, just get them to align it as best as possible and as close to standard figures, you won't notice any difference.
One thing I will say is if you feel that the car keeps coming out of those figures, check all your bushes/track rod ends because if they're worn or failing, they will track into a worn joint which won't give you a true reading.

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