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Author lightened flywheels?

Registered: 28th Mar 09
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28th Mar 12 at 18:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by bally2010
Originally posted by 16xe_chris
I'd have to disagree with the above comment about the 8v.

As standard the 8v will be quicker because the 16v standard is quite sluggish till it gets the revs up, but you put a very light fly wheel on them and to many revs on set of will light the wheels and when it does grip it will be bye bye 8v lol

Best thing and one of the more cheaper mods was to put an f13 cr box on mine with a 4.5 cwp, I was in 5th gear in a flash, downside was it only had a top speed of 108 ish miles an hour but getting there was fun ;-)

well i had a x16xe in my corsa and a friend had a c16se 8v in his car and his car was a lot quicker and pulled alot harder. imo x14xe/x16xe are just loud so makes people think there better

but c16se roar is better than any small engine ive heard

[Edited on 28-03-2012 by bally2010]

Lol I have raced on track with both engines and the 16v can kick the arse out of any 8v engines.

As I said before if both were in standard trim the 8v pulls harder from set off but once you play with a 16v and unlock its potential your onto a winner.
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28th Mar 12 at 18:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes but we are talking standard engines not tuned 16v vs standard 8v.

thats like saying a 8v tuned will beat a standard x16xe . will have to get past the fog of smoke the engine has burn but it will beat it.

the powerbox off a x16xe is what 8v comes with standard

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