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Author Another new track in progress - The End (Trance)
Matty L

Registered: 10th Aug 04
Location: cheshire
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16th Apr 12 at 18:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Let me know what u guys think that are into trance

Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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16th Apr 12 at 20:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

bass is very overpowering at first

Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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16th Apr 12 at 20:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sounds great from 2:30 though

Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
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16th Apr 12 at 20:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

were can i buy it?

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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16th Apr 12 at 21:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Me being picky but it sounds like the crash-tail is getting filtered on the high-pass cut fills - so, for example, at 1:22 you get the filtered tail as you drop in, then at 1:23 the tail suddenly drops to the full bandwidth.

And for an idea that might add a bit more atmosphere to the 'build-up', what about doing something like a Barthezz/Delerium-esque break? At 2:30 break with huge crashes/downlifts for a bar, then bring in a low-pass filtered (sub)bass for a bar or two, then slowly bring in the arp-synths and ride the cuts on both for a few more bars building up to another 'mini' break, kick/crashes/up and downlifts, bring in the 'piano'-synth and the break percussion you have, bring in the 'running' snares/kicks etc

Perhaps also try exaggerating the cut at 4:32 before you drop-in.

But yeah, really like that!

Edit - Also do something with 'Some house groove'! You've got a really decent synth/hook going, especially when you open up the cut!

[Edited on 16-04-2012 by Dom]
Matty L

Registered: 10th Aug 04
Location: cheshire
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16th Apr 12 at 22:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom
Me being picky but it sounds like the crash-tail is getting filtered on the high-pass cut fills - so, for example, at 1:22 you get the filtered tail as you drop in, then at 1:23 the tail suddenly drops to the full bandwidth.

And for an idea that might add a bit more atmosphere to the 'build-up', what about doing something like a Barthezz/Delerium-esque break? At 2:30 break with huge crashes/downlifts for a bar, then bring in a low-pass filtered (sub)bass for a bar or two, then slowly bring in the arp-synths and ride the cuts on both for a few more bars building up to another 'mini' break, kick/crashes/up and downlifts, bring in the 'piano'-synth and the break percussion you have, bring in the 'running' snares/kicks etc

Perhaps also try exaggerating the cut at 4:32 before you drop-in.

But yeah, really like that!

Edit - Also do something with 'Some house groove'! You've got a really decent synth/hook going, especially when you open up the cut!

[Edited on 16-04-2012 by Dom]

Cheers Dom, thanks for the Feedback, did u have a listen to the other record?

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Off Day » Another new track in progress - The End (Trance) 23 database queries in 0.0118420 seconds