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Author [Work Day] Risk Assessments / Method Statements

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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1st May 12 at 10:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Depending on your industry, you may or may not come across these.
In our electrical engineering company, they're used every single day, 'RAMS' are filled out before any work is undertaken.

Is anyone else in a similar position and are using an Automated system?
Ive tried seaching for software but not been able to find much, at the moment they're always typed up by managers and is very time consuming.

Alot of the tasks are repetitive, so it shouldnt be that hard to have a few tick boxes for the task and something that pulls the RAMS together?

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1st May 12 at 10:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

be very easy to write something in php and mysql back end. Could even do it with reporting services.
neil h

Registered: 28th Sep 06
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1st May 12 at 11:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

We use a software package called 'Rivo SafeGuard' for all our risk assessments. It'll allow you to create a new risk assessment using a previous one as a template if needed. It also generates an archive of all the risk assessments made on it.

Though tbh if your doing repetitive work you shouldn't need a new RA/MS each time. Unless the job/hazards change of course.

Registered: 13th Dec 06
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1st May 12 at 11:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Used these on the bridge everyday, just had to fill out the hazards on the front of the sheet going by a check list of possibilities on the back.

Registered: 2nd Sep 03
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1st May 12 at 11:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Who do you work for bart ?


Registered: 19th Aug 02
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1st May 12 at 11:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A relatively small local company

[Edited on 01-05-2012 by Bart]

Registered: 18th Mar 03
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1st May 12 at 11:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I work in FM, particulary M&E stuff so I am the manager that has to audit these from our subbies and our own engineers.

We obviously have the pads that you can buy, we are a big company so have our own, the engineers do their paperwork and attach the RA to the jobsheet on completion.

Risk Assesments CANNOT be generic, you must show evidence you revised them at the start of the job, we get our guys to do them first thing without fail.

Some of our engineers on static sites, have computer access and a spreadsheet of aformentioned RA has been drawn up, they just complete it electronically when they get their work order.

Also our mobile guys have PDA's and they do the RA on this when they turn up on site,

Method Statements can be generic of course.

Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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1st May 12 at 11:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ryzer
I work in FM, particulary M&E stuff so I am the manager that has to audit these from our subbies and our own engineers.

We obviously have the pads that you can buy, we are a big company so have our own, the engineers do their paperwork and attach the RA to the jobsheet on completion.

Risk Assesments CANNOT be generic, you must show evidence you revised them at the start of the job, we get our guys to do them first thing without fail.

Some of our engineers on static sites, have computer access and a spreadsheet of aformentioned RA has been drawn up, they just complete it electronically when they get their work order.

Also our mobile guys have PDA's and they do the RA on this when they turn up on site,

Method Statements can be generic of course.

Thats interesting, because I would have suggested it being the other way around, i.e RA generic and MS not. I guess it depends on whats being done, but for us;

Risks are always usually the same i.e
- electrical, you isolate down the line, prove dead etc then begin work
- working near holes - barrier off,
- offloading - slinger / banksman is used
- etc etc
our procedures cover most other works,

MS - the are usually unique tasks and require a reasonable amount of modifying, as tasks are not always the same, different environments etc.
Of course things are always updated on the day etc.

[Edited on 01-05-2012 by Bart]

Registered: 11th Feb 04
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1st May 12 at 18:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Unless you are doing work for a complete jobsworth, 9 times out of 10 all they want is a sheet of paper they can stamp, punch and file away and never look at it again hence all I do is change dates and minor details.

I have a load of generic ones for using hand tools, scaffolding, working with mains etc...
Mad Moe

Registered: 14th Jun 01
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1st May 12 at 19:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

We use Hascom Risk Assesment Manager and it has more than halved the amount of time my Contracts Mangers spend pissing about with RAMS

[Edited on 01-05-2012 by Mad Moe]

Registered: 14th Feb 05
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1st May 12 at 19:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's the Risk Assessment which needs to be specific. You don't actually have to produce a method statement, it's the RA which is required.

We used to operate POWRA (Point of work risk assessments) where the operatives completed one each morning highlighting anything which had changed from the previous day.

Registered: 12th Oct 05
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1st May 12 at 21:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Our electronic permit to work system has a built in risk assessment creater kinda thing, cant think of a suitable name
You select a heading, and then within it there is a few hazards and you select the control measures. Most of the common ones are there, hand tools, rotating machinery, pressure, electricity. Along with control measures such as barriers, inspect equipment, isolstions etc etc.
Once the permits finished with, it remains in an archive so when you do the job again or a similar job you can copy it, put it specific job drtails or tag numbers and review and accept the risk assessment thats copied over aswell.

Your lucky its all fresh in my head as id to sit and listen to a whole days waffle about it today
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Registered: 1st Aug 08
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1st May 12 at 22:03   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If it's a simple software solution you need why not contact your local university in regards with this? Might be good project for some one..

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