Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Sexual Discrimination Act 1975, 1975, Chapter 65, Part 1, Section 29.......
*woman, can be replaced with man as required...
29 Discrimination in provision of goods, facilities or services.E+W+S.(1)It is unlawful for any person concerned with the provision (for payment or not) of goods, facilities or services to the public or a section of the public to discriminate against a woman who seeks to obtain or use those goods, facilities or services— .
(a)by refusing or deliberately omitting to provide her with any of them, or .
(b)by refusing or deliberately omitting to provide her with goods, facilities or services of the like quality, in the like manner and on the like terms as are normal in his case in relation to male members of the public or (where she belongs to a section of the public) to male members of that section. .
(2)The following are examples of the facilities and services mentioned in subsection (1)
(a)access to and use of any place which members of the public or a section of the public are permitted to enter; .
(b)accommodation in a hotel, boarding house or other similar establishment; .
(c)facilities by way of banking or insurance or for grants, loans, credit or finance; .
(d)facilities for education; .
(e)facilities for entertainment, recreation or refreshment; .
(f)facilities for transport or travel; .
Interesting one to quote to a doorman next time you are turned away from a pub / bar / club 'because you are a group of lads', what they are doing is 'unlawful', i only checked this after getting home last night but did start telling him it was illegal, would they turn someone away because they are black, or because they are disabled? Discrimination is discrimination....... but my mates thought it going to get rowdy so walked us off! Bouncer just gave a dumb blank faced expression!
I did ask him if it was because im black (which he happened to be), mates couldnt beleive i'd said that, pmsl 
[Edited on 07-05-2012 by corb]
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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fuck reciting all that word for word!
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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Whilst thats all well and good at the end of the day the club can choose who it wants to let in, it can let no one in if it so desires.
They arent turning you away because you're blokes, they're turning you away because they think you could cause trouble.
I once got denied entry to a club/bar because "I wasnt a regular" I asked how do you become a regular if you arent allowed in a first time? "Just havent seen you round here much mate" ok, guess I'll just have to walk past your bar every night and give you a nod
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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That eastern European bouncer discriminated against Whittie in Chester-poor lad's medical condition meant he had to piss in the queue! Discrimination against the handicapped
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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If a bouncer tells you you're not getting in the last thing you should be doing is reciting Discrimination Act's. Take it on the chin and go elsewhere.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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they always have a reason not to let you in, just accept your pissed and they have spotted you acting/carrying on whilst walking to the bar, they may have had instructions not to let someone of a similar description in yada yada yada.... loads of reasons
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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We were on our way home anyway so just carried on past after that, however its not the point..... It is unlawful and they shouldn't be able to get away with it.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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im all for it, fed up of clubs and bars round here being sausage fests.
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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All well and good that but a licencee can refuse anyone entry for whatevrr they like. Don't have to give you a reason.
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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There will be some bylaw about public safety which they will be able to use I'm defence against the above act
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by corb
We were on our way home anyway so just carried on past after that, however its not the point..... It is unlawful and they shouldn't be able to get away with it.
The excuse is by the by, they didn't want you in therefore you weren't getting in.
My mates got turned away from our local last Sunday because it was 'regulars only'. He has drank in there every weekend for 5 years.
Joe Carr
Registered: 9th Jul 11
Location: Birmingham
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the first bit you've put in bold says that it's illegal to discriminate against women so it wouldn't apply in your situation anyway.
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Not sure I'd even go to a bar that needs to turn people away, I'm past queuing and wondering whether I'm getting in to places now.
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Joe, also states woman / man to be substituted for the other 'as requisite'.
Ian, we were walking past, no queue and not been in years so thought fuck it, we'll pop in.
Maybe they dont have to give a reason, however should they give that as the reason, it is 'unlawful'.
What if I refused to sell a car to someone based on their sex 'Sorry, I'm not serving you because you're a woman/man'. We'd be taken to the cleaners
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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Registered: 19th Jun 10
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I thought everyone knew this 
Letting women in for free and making men pay is illegal too. They can refuse service but not for sex or race reasons, it's the same as saying "sorry we don't serve black people"
Joe Carr
Registered: 9th Jul 11
Location: Birmingham
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quote: Originally posted by corb
Joe, also states woman / man to be substituted for the other 'as requisite'...
ohh yeah haha sorry
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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quote: Originally posted by corb
Joe, also states woman / man to be substituted for the other 'as requisite'.
Ian, we were walking past, no queue and not been in years so thought fuck it, we'll pop in.
Maybe they dont have to give a reason, however should they give that as the reason, it is 'unlawful'.
What if I refused to sell a car to someone based on their sex 'Sorry, I'm not serving you because you're a woman/man'. We'd be taken to the cleaners
But it's not about sex, its about public safety. Coincidently it happens that a group of males represent a bigger risk to public safety than otherwise though j have seen a group of women turned away from a bar in York before 
[Edited on 07-05-2012 by Toby]
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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If ever theres a crowd of us out we always split up into twos and we put the ones in a more drunken state with the most sober ones. Works everytime.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
If ever theres a crowd of us out we always split up into twos and we put the ones in a more drunken state with the most sober ones. Works everytime.
Exactly same but we all in up in que next to eatch other and end up talking .