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Author Corsa c20xe running issue
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Registered: 26th Mar 11
Location: Deal, Kent
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5th Jun 16 at 13:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Right guys I'm really hoping there is someone out there that can help me as I'm about to pull my hair out.

I've recently put my c20xe on twin 45 webers from my nova in a corsa b. When the engine was in the nova the car ran sweet but due to it being abit too rotten i had make a change.

My problem is that when the car is cold it will run sweet and goes really well, but after say about 15 mins of driving it it's starts to misfire and then cut out which then leads to not being able to start it until like the next day. I've tried pretty much everything that I can think of new plugs, leads, rotor arm, dizzy cap, new dizzy, new fuel incase it was bad, new fuel pressure regulator, 3 new pumps and still the same symptoms

I have heard that there might be a breather on the fuel tank but I didn't know if this would cause the symptoms I've got?

Please someone help me

Many thanks Rob

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