Eastbounre Corsa Bloke
Registered: 7th Apr 02
Location: eastbourne, east sussex, uk
User status: Offline
on migweb and some bloke said he fited nova springs on his cav? so owuld cav ones fit on a corsa \ nova???  
Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: South Walez
User status: Offline
possible, but bare in mind ppl fit nova springs to corsa's because corsa's weight more, so they end up with a lower ride hight.
a cav weighs more than a corsa so he'll end up with an even lower ride height.
not sure if fittin cav springs would be that benificial.
Eastbounre Corsa Bloke
Registered: 7th Apr 02
Location: eastbourne, east sussex, uk
User status: Offline
hmmm thanks 4 ur answer mate, would u know if the shocks would b worth fitting
Premium Member
Registered: 24th Apr 02
Location: Bexhill, East Sussex
User status: Offline
shocks dont fit not that for sure mate
Registered: 5th Jun 00
Location: Common Sense HQ
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the springs will fit defo
i remember my mate putting calibra springs into his 2ltr nova
they are all interchangable