Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
coming home this morning on country roads, a silver bmw comes whizzing around the corner and forces me off the road and into a ditch, guy then reverses up helps me out of my car and drives up without checking wheteher or not i'm ok and without giving me any details, i didn't manage to get any details and now i have to fork the bill, car is in a right mess!!!
Registered: 1st Mar 03
Location: EaSt MiDlAnDs
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how much it costing you?
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
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got pics! dont worry that hapened to me. first accident someone came round a corner on my side. smashed all the front right side in. i hade to claim on insurance.
Registered: 7th Jul 03
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Cheeky bastard!
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
not sure how much its gonna cost, wanted to keep insurance out but theres too much damage, gonna loose my no claims, if its a write off, i'll strip it and buy a C! got some pics but need to get them developed as i don't have a digi cam yet
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Did you get his reg-plate? If he was going way too fast for the road-conditions (road-width, surface, etc), then report him......although it will end up being your word against his.
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
didn't get his reg no, he reversed up an helped me out of my car then drove off, i checked myself out then before i knew it he drove off, i only know it was an r reg i think it was r779 but can't be sure, well annoyed!!!
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
If you have that much, and know it's a silver BMW, I'm pretty sure it won't be hard to trace...
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
got some pics of my car, went and got a digi cam, can anyone put them up for me, as i haven't got any web space
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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Email them to me if you want sam@corsasport.co.uk
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
pics sent thanx, they are quite big so i had to send them individually, thanx for putting them up
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: fife nr dunfermline
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just wait there at the same time for the next few days an u might see him again and get his registration!
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
yeh my friends are looking out for him as well, they went out to all the towns and villages near by to look but didn't see anything. So annoyed
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
sam did u get the pics?
Registered: 5th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Rides: Ninja 600
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he's offline mate
send em to us if u want sethion33@corsasport.co.uk
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
cool thanx
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
I've sent two
the others won't send
Registered: 24th Aug 00
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Im on line and will be for a while if u want ill do them for u
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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The reason I only got two pics was because the JPEGs were over 2Mb each, and my Yahoo email only has a 6Mb capacity.
Anyway, I resized the pics, here they are:

[Edited on 22/07/03 by Sam]
Registered: 8th Sep 02
Location: Third roof tile on the left
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Ouch nasty
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
thanx for putting the pics up
Moderator Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
User status: Offline
No worries. If you want me to host any more pics, that's not a problem, but is there any chance you could put them in a ZIP file next time? Cheers.
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
yeh i will do thanx again
Registered: 20th Jun 02
Location: Leicester Drives: Astra GSi Turbo
User status: Offline
Update, I got my car repaired, shes had a full respray and looks brand new and I found the other guy who ran me off the road, I took down his details and handed them into the police and to my insurance company, just playing the waiting game to see what happens.
Thanx for hosting my pics and the advice