Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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Seem to remember that the early Corsa B systems hadn't got a CAT on them? Am I right, and if so, could I say that my car (1995, M reg) never had one when it comes to MOT and I've taken it out?
Wud just rather avoid the hassle of buying a decat, and a new converter, then swapping them for inspections...
Registered: 28th May 02
Location: ammanford,south wales
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nope every corsa had a cat
the corsa was released during the month the law for all cars registered from Aug 1992 require CAT in order to pass MOT
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
User status: Offline
ah bollox. nevermind then, could have sworn there was a 12NZ engine with no cat. looks like money and hassle for me then.
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
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Yep you are correct CorsAsh.
Well according to Haynes + the original corsa handbook anyway, the very early models DID NOT have a cat. as u say, they were the 12NZ engines.
This was only on cars realeased on an early K plate in 93 before the legeslation came in, in September.
You cannot say ur car is a 12NZ, coz it was made in 95
PS: I've never seen such an early example tho
Registered: 27th Sep 01
Location: south wales Drives: astra sri ecoflex
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the haynes manual must be full of shite cos the cat legislation was from 1992 onwards and the corsa wasnt released until 1993
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
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yeah maybe, but its also in the 1993 CORSA handbook (provided by vaux at time of sale).
Must have been a few that got throught without cat, otherwise it was only released with the 12NZ in a diffferent country where legeslation hadnt begun?
Screaming Vtec
Registered: 29th Jul 03
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Diesel Corsa's aint got no cats 
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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12NZ engines had no CAT. Also, there was a small run of carburettor 1.2 8v K reg Corsas which had no CAT.
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
User status: Offline
my car's got a private plate on, but guess that wouldnt fool em into thinking it was a K reg... I doubt I could pass it off as a diesel either, Screaming, just dont have the tractor power rattle *damn*...
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: Thornhill, West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by MattyB
K plate in 93 before the legeslation came in, in September.
i think u will find it became law on all new cars registered after 1st august
[Edited on 15-11-2003 by J100RSA]