Registered: 16th Nov 03
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I buyin my first corsa soon and because I can not afford 2 get a whole new paint job I am tryin 2 decide which colour I shold buy? Wot do you lot think?
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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what model? C or B?
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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It a B cnt afford a C either
Registered: 20th May 02
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aurora (sp) purple
or aztec gold
both nice colours and more rare than the others
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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Avoid red like the plague, it fades like the popularity of that one true voice thing from pop idol!
I reckon nicest color for the B is either the Ardent Blue, or Black! (as long as the bumpers & arches are color-coded)
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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yeah but thats d problem I dought I will find it. I will have a look if you come across ne let me no mate?
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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quote: Originally posted by jr
aurora (sp) purple
or aztec gold
both nice colours and more rare than the others
Agreed I aint seen that many pruple ones about, and it is a damn nice color!
Not too keen on the gold one tho myself
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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red is bad then ok then mate well thanks 4 letin me no. I had seen a red 1.2 N red 3 door 2 lady owners 4 somink like £759 is dat worth it or still a BIG no.
Registered: 1st Dec 02
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mate used 2 own a corsa b fully kitted out in purple lookd the bo**ocks . now i got a white 1 and looks good. but at the end of the day its up 2 u
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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yeah but I dnt wnt 2 make a mistake I wnt it to look as good as I can get it so ne help from ne1 off er dat as a corsa is welcome.
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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depends, look at the condition of the paint, especially on the roof, as it fades sooo easily & is just really poor quality paint! Honestly don't know what Vaux were thinking of with this color!
Check for difference in color on all panels, & steer clear if the B-Pillars are cracked, or there is sign of touch-up paint on the b-pillars, as if there gone its an MOT Fail, and you need to get a small plate welded underneath & then the pillars sprayed to sort it (can cost about £100-£150)
Also just do the normal checks for rust, etc...
As for the N-Reg 1.2 for 759, is it a Merit or LS?? Also what sort of mileage has it got & service history, etc...
If its below 80k miles & has a full service history (properly stamped book by vauxhall at every service interval), then even though its red & if its in good condition, then will be a good deal!
[Edited on 16-11-2003 by PaulW]
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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not sure bout it being under 80k have to check but it has a full service history it says so thats ok and the thing dat sounds ok is dat its had a couple of lady owners so they ait gonna of fucked up the engine by booting it. Ow yeh and its an LS (me mate recons LS LOADA SHIT he now has a black eye) 
Registered: 1st Dec 02
Location: reading, berks
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mine wz an ls 1.4 it woz ok bit gutles tho. now i got 1.4 sport much beta.
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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where u dwn southend in it lst nite. Black wit red strips round it?
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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I have a 1.4LS, its ok, engine is easy & cheap enough to replair any problem myself, so the 1.2 should be just the same! You can also get parts from scrappies of both nova's & corsa's for these engines, as they were in both models, just make sure its the C12NZ though that ya get parts from! There not that quick though & ppl on here will give ya a good slating, etc, saying there shit, but aslong as it drives & ya not after mega performance or if your a new driver, who's complaining? There are some pics in my garage from when I was taking my old 1.4 out if you wana have a look, is really a simple engine, nothing to it!
You do know what ya lookin for & where the cracks come up on the b-pillars don't ya?
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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quote: Originally posted by corsa.dan
where u dwn southend in it lst nite. Black wit red strips round it?
Its the SRi Corsa which has the red stripes m8, sports have black stripes
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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ah my mistake aint been into me corsa's 4 that long.thankx 4 tellin me tho mate. 
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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np m8
Registered: 16th Nov 03
Location: Essex
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Thankx 4 all the advice mate if I need ne help you jst volunteered 2 tell me wot 2 do. Nah I would apriceate if when I get it and I need ne help u could jst advise me on wot 2 do coz im kinda a new commer 2 all this.
Registered: 1st Dec 02
Location: reading, berks
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nope woz in my dads scoob. mine a white sport with red stripe.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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if its a 1.4 ls its not as bad as a 1.2 ls... (1.4 8v rather than 1.2 8v)
I'd seriously try to avoid getting a 1.2 ls - as its 45 bhp, 0-60 bout 18-21 seconds 0-100 never.
put some 17's on and it'll be even worse.
Look around, I'm sure you can find a cheap old 1.4 16v - you don't really want a 1.2 8v, even the 1.0 12v is faster than it.
Paul J
[Edited on 16-11-2003 by Paul_J]
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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yeah but if cost is an issue here & can't afford anything else, then its not that bad an engine to go for!
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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this aint a bad price TBH

1995 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 LS, 1995,
71000 miles, MOTd November 2004, excellent driver. £495 . o.n.o.. /.
Ken Hamilton
Tel: 028 97532665 or 07802 966282
Distance: 301 miles
Price: £495 ono.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Yeh Paul, but depends what he wants - I very nearly bought a 1.2 8v purple LS - and I'm so glad now that I got a extra few pennys together to get something slightly faster...
In some ways I'm slightly annoyed I didn't go for a 1.4 16v which was the same sorta price.
the thing is, insurance is a bitch the first year or so - but after then it all levels out and whether you've got a 1.0 12v or a 1.4 16v you end up paying the same amount! so you might as well get the faster car. There are quite a few 1.4 16v's and 1.4 8v (82 bhp version) around for quite cheap coz they're quite old.
[Edited on 16-11-2003 by Paul_J]
Registered: 25th Jun 02
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The 1.0 12volt is not fater than a 1.2 8v. And 0-60 is around 18 seconds.
1.2 8v's are decent enough cars, the engines take some hammer and are cheap to maintain, insurance will be cheap and they aint really that bad. Granted I may be biased as I have a 1.2 8v bit if you keep some 15's on and deck it you can keep up with some bigger engined cars.