Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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monday morning going to work, stopped at the lights, so pillock, drives straight into the back of me, pushing me into someone else.
front of my car is fucked, and the back is fucked. also broke my amp and sub in the boot 
spent all monday nite in A&E i'm now on the sick, and in terible pain.
had to get my car towed home. 
also now means i'm left without a car, till i recon well after xmas.
so when i start back at work, i will have to get up an hour and 20mins early and get 2 buses into work, then get 2 home and arrive home 1 1/2 hours later than usual.       
pissed off to say the least.
oh yea, i also cant see the gf, coz its too far to walk plus i'm injured and cant walk, and she cant walk up all on her own. and her mum and dad cant drop her off every nite coz they aint always in, same with my dad 
shrews corsa
Registered: 16th Mar 01
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unlucky mate
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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go back to the hospital and complain over n over about injuries i.e. neck etc......
Get sent for some physio
And sue the cunt that wallopped into you for injuries, loss of earnings, and various other costs i.e. excess.
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Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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only one thing to do.....claim compo!!!
u'll soon smile when the cheque come through da post and u can mod all u like!
but for the mean time....sorry to hear about it
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Great minds think alike 
Greater people type faster
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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but the compo wont evan be that much
i got whiplash, scred to get in a car and drive again, and time off work. i also work lifting heavy metal bars and stuff o i cant lift anymore.
i recon i'll get a grand at the most.
and my car wont evan get a grand back, so ui'll have about 2 grand to get a car which really fucks me off, coz its no fault of mine, and i done nothing wrong but i'm the one who is getting all the shit, no work, no money, no car, aload of pain, sleepless nites (well last nite at least) and i'm gonna end up with a shed compared to my other car it just aint right is it.
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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nar me mate and his mam had whiplash and they got more than 6 grand as far as me knows.....
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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well aslong as i getenough money to buy a decent car, and enough money to make me smile with the whiplash i'll be happy.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Mate......... remember these two things......... complain & sue.
Simple as. Just keep complaining about everything e.g. whiplash and so on....
GO to the doctors, hospital etc so that it is on your records that you visited. Even if you dont take all the pain killers given to you........ its still on paper as if you needed them.
Did the other person get charged????
"Loss of earnings" - ALL wages
"Excess" - Your excess on your insurance
"Injuries" - self explanatory
"bother" - monetary value for going through all this shit.
Believe me mate, as long as you make a BIG deal out of it...... you'll get cash. And make sure you stress the point that your scared to get back in a car.
I'm going through all this shit just now.
Irregardless to how bad the accident is, your still alive, thats the main thing. Cars get repaired... lifes cant 
Heres a pic of me, NOT my fault, other party got charged......... in for a winfall one day when it all clears n shit.

2 Days after the accident:

[Edited on 03-12-2003 by -Aliba-]
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
no the other party aint be charged, i aint reported it to the police, coz no 1 was injured, untill a few hours later wen i went all dizzy and faint, then started aching all over.
any mate u look sore, hope your ok.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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looked 10000 times better than i felt!!!
Broken jaw in 3 places. Metal plates in my jaw to hold it together.
Loss of feeling in my chin.
Inside and outside of my lip very deeply cut open, a few mm's from being sliced in half!!!
Chipped teeth, lost teeth.
Cuts here there n everywhere.
Right shoulder sits higher than my left now.
Muscle damge n loads of other shit.
It happened om the 17th of July this year. It'll be pay day one day
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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I love that picture aliba.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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dunno just how your face decided to enlarge. freddy flintstone lookalike maybe? i dunno its just fun!
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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desperate dan lookalike me finks
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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i got a few pics of my car today, it dont evan look as bad as it is/felt when he hit me.
if anyone is willing to host them please.
Registered: 14th Jul 03
Location: work as always
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cant u get a certasy car m8 and they will have to pay my m8 got 1 for over a month
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
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yea i can do, but i have to fork out the cash then claim it back, and in the run up to xmas i'm absoultly skint
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Claim for taxis to and from work loss of earnings for days you cannot get out of bed etc etc
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
but i'd have to pay the taxi's and it would cost about 20-25quid a day,and at the min, i dont have this sort of cash to go splashing out.
and anyway i am off work for now, might be next week too
Registered: 5th Jun 00
Location: Common Sense HQ
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yes the compo claim for your injuries will be massive but it'll be about 18mths before you get it.
ur car should be sorted pretty quickly though
its a bit of a bummer but the only thing you can do is grin & bare it - so to speak
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
the compo claim will be massive?
well most people i;'ve spoke to recon between £800 and £1500
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Whiplash, loss of earnings, mentall stress! the lot
Ka ching!!
Registered: 19th May 03
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I cant believe you didnt get the police on the scene, injured or not... you cant trust anyone, especially when your not at fault, whats to stop them saying you swerved in front of them causing the whole accident
Registered: 7th Sep 03
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by barry_kellett99
I cant believe you didnt get the police on the scene, injured or not... you cant trust anyone, especially when your not at fault, whats to stop them saying you swerved in front of them causing the whole accident
because i was stopped at traffic lights
he also admitted all the blame on him, in front of me, and 2 other witness's, who i have the contact details of.