Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
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Done by RS Audio who provide nationwide fitting. They just came and fitted 1 to my Pug - took him 2 hours, every connection soldered, every device securely screwed down. No chance of tellin some1's been in there removing trim etc.
Excellent service and excellent alarm (quality + features)
Would highly recommend RS audio if your lookin to get an alarm done. They do Clifford and Toad, and loads others. Do ICE installs, navigation, general auto electric probs sorted - the whole shabang. Decent geeza who's comin back down in the new year to do me a few more goodies 
Registered: 2nd Jun 03
Location: Clayhall , Essex
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What Clifford alarm u get?
How much u charged?
Registered: 22nd Feb 01
Location: Kent, Jap Car Importer :)
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website for em?
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
Location:'s: eveyones conversion cars hard lol
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just a shame u got a clifford
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Bleep bleep
Registered: 25th May 01
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the thing with clifford is they MUST i stress MUST be installed by someone who knows 1000000% what they are doing or else it will go tits up i assure you.
if its installed properly - u'll have no problems
i have had 2 fitted on my car, first one i made them rip it out and fit a new, better one, almost ended up in court over it (long story)
i have done a lot of work on mine, i know exactly what wire does what and added many things myself (i know its suposed to void warenty but im not fussed)
all alarms should be soldered and use heat shrink, not black tape etc and the first thing i did was let some1 else take a look at it
very versitile, can adjust mine at the touch of a button depending upon how risky the area is my car is parked.
defo get another one any day of the week
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
User status: Offline
These guys seemed excellent, and the amount of tools they had with em was unbelieveable, but then again, as you say, the proof is in the pudding! And will keep u posted. Its fully gaurenteed etc.
My brother, dad, cousin and mates have all got clifford, and the only problem i've ever seen on one was caused by poor connections when it was refitted to another vehical.
I got a clifford 100 for £199 fitted (no point me goin for CAT1, coz my insurance doesnt provide ANY discount or benefit, and the difference between 100 and 300 features was sod all. However, looking at the site just now, its been update, the the 100 is now £220 :s
I'm getting the tilt + motion sensor done in the new year and dual zone SMART radar protection. (it already has summat like this, but its not as good)
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
User status: Offline
Apparaently its also cheaper if you can get up to their workshop, and have them fit it there
Registered: 20th Apr 02
Location: london
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matt they came to ur yard isit ? wot u rekon they wood charge to fit to mine ps i already hav a toad alarm new just ready 2 b fitted
Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
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should of gone to R-Tec 
(predictable, wasnt it?)
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
User status: Offline
Nah, C-C, they only fit alarms they supply mate - get ut electrician mate to do it, init
Ditch - if i had an extra £100+ to pay em to do the same thing just coz they got a lovely showroom and apparently "excellent" customer service, then i would of. No, actually, i wudnt.
But they come to you, nationwide, free 
Registered: 25th May 01
User status: Offline
personally wouldnt have them @ my house as they might do insider/backhanders to over ride the alarm and steal your car
Registered: 13th Nov 01
Location: 118.5bhp :D
User status: Offline
No - they were outside my work, in a car park sealed by barriers, and security knew they were there etc
Oh, and they pulled up in a RS Audio van - so its pretty kosher
It'd have to be a pretty shady company do summat like that, and not hard to find out who it was!! lol
I mean this guy fitted + set the alarm up, and only when i was happy with its operation etc and the fact that they got a help line, did he take any money off me!! lol