Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: South Walez
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Ok, I've just watched this film for the first time, and I dare say without a doubt I'll need to watch it again.
Maybe the ambiguity has gone over my head, or the apocalyptic visions just didn't touch down with me.
I did pay full attention to this movie, and I believe it is one of the best films I have ever seen.
I was just wondering how other people decyphered the content of this originally mindblowing film.
The giant rabbit named Frank, that Grandma Death...the Jet Engine, was it irony?
what are your insights please?
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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did you do media in school/college?
[Edited on 27-12-2003 by novaless18]
Registered: 11th Mar 03
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quote: Originally posted by CopyWrite
Ok, I've just watched this film for the first time, and I dare say without a doubt I'll need to watch it again.
Maybe the ambiguity has gone over my head, or the apocalyptic visions just didn't touch down with me.
I did pay full attention to this movie, and I believe it is one of the best films I have ever seen.
I was just wondering how other people decyphered the content of this originally mindblowing film.
The giant rabbit named Frank, that Grandma Death...the Jet Engine, was it irony?
what are your insights please?
whats he been smoking?
Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: South Walez
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av u seen it?
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
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Absolutely superb film......I think the person smoking something was the director who came up with the plot! 
Watch it again, though, I found it made more sense the second time round...
Registered: 16th Apr 02
Location: South Walez
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good to see someone knows what I'm talking about, unless you've seen it I guess what I said must have been pretty radical.
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
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For anyone that doesn't know what he's talking about:
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Basically a lot of people talked about it - as if the whole thing was supposed to give his life some meaning before he died.
If he had died the first time, he would of not been happy. He'd have felt he would of achieved nothing.
By dying the 2nd time he has loved, he also knows he's saving the girls life, he's also saving the sisters boyfriends life (frank in the rabbit suit), he also knows he's saving his mum + sister life, as without exposing the kiddy porn watching bloke, the mum wouldn't take the kids to the dance thing and his sister wouldn't go as she would be at home grieving because of her brothers death.
So when he dies he's happy A) because he's had some fun, and enjoyed his life B) because he knows he's saving other peoples lives by dying and finally C) some think that when he travels back the 2nd time he brings some of the future with him as a glimpse. Much like he originally got with frank the rabbit.
i.e. at the end of the film - the guy with the kiddy porn waking up in a sweat - maybe seeing a glimse of what might happen if he is ever found out! etc.
Top film, I need to watch it again - only saw it once 
Paul J
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Oh yeh (it was a long time ago) but I can't really remember why it was... but I remember someone telling me he was happy, because from what he finds out, he realises there is a god - and thus there must be a heaven to goto - and thus he's not afraid of death.
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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fucking good film but confusing yeah!
Registered: 31st Jan 01
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first time i saw it stopped mid way coz had to go to work or somethin
then watched the rest thought was ace 
after i saw it i went n dl the gary jules song and few months later starts coming on the radio 
first time heard it on the radio sent shiver down my spine
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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I do believe the giant Rabbit was nicked from an old James Stewart classic named 'Harvey' in 1950 
Thought Donnie Darko was more of a breath of fresh air amongst all the crap out at the time when it was released but in no way it is one of the best films ever made
Registered: 12th Oct 03
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yes ^^^ i agree, however in my top films of all times it ranks number 2. superb film seen it four times.
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
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great film- not one of the best of all time though
Maybe one of the best directed films i have ever seen though