Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Need some advice here.
After just self knowingly failing an exam (at uni doing accounting), i now seek some career advice 
I cannot be fucked with this boring accounting shit no more. Had enough!
Always been interested in spraying (i.e. painting cars etc..) but never knew how to get into it.
Any advice would be
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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need to do panel beating and spraying course
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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my brother went round some bodyshop too ask about jobs, he got one at the first one he went too, they said they had sent someone on the course before but it was a waste of time, so they are training him up themselves. hes been there just over 2 weeks and loves every minute of it.
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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its shit pay though, hes on £3.80 an hour
Ryan L
Registered: 4th Mar 03
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yes apprenticeships are fairly easy to get into providing there are companies near you i myself am thinking about dropping out of my first year of accounting with law and doing something in engineering have a look on
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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£3.80 That'll be right 
Where can you do such a course Dan???? Just a normal college, uni etc??? How longs it for???
Registered: 8th May 02
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3 year apprenticeship with 1 week a month at college. At the end of it you get bad health and sh!t money unless you do it on the side aswell.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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I'm half way thorugh my second year of accounting, just sick fed up of it...... and also realise that computers will soon put more and more accountants out of a job!
Shirt and tie jobs also do my nutt in
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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So, correct me if i'm wrong,
Get an apprenticeship for 3 years with a company. 1 week out of each month at college, other 3 working.
Apprenticeship money???? Isnt it something coo coo like 70 quid a week or so???
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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apprentaship money is shit yes, but they said to my bro once he has learnt all teh skills and is good then they can get upto 10 quid an hour
Lucky B
Registered: 7th Apr 02
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Stick with accounting pal, 30k+ a year aint to be sniffed at once your qualified.
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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i agree, you will be able to buy your own bodyshop if ure an accountant.
Colour-Tec Coachworks
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Its a 4 year apprenticeship, your health is not at risk if you work in the right conditions. All your course work will be done at your place of work, so you are basically trained on customers cars, which can be abit of a nightmare if you feck things up 
But a panel beater and spray painter are 2 differnt people and two different courses.
Also, to do the course you must work in a bodyshop, which uses equipment, which complies to health and safet and conforms to all the environmental laws.
Its a really enjoyable job and very satisfying at times, but the money is not the greatest... more than likely you wont make £20k per year when your at the top of your game. But i suppose money and happiness are 2 things, follow your heart...
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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give me a job and i'll work for you
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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quote: Originally posted by Colour-Tec Coachworks
But i suppose money and happiness are 2 things, follow your heart...
Totally agree. Fair enough, i would make a lot of money being an accountant, but in no way whatsoever could i put up with the hassle of the course! There are certain people who suit uni, but i'm not one of them!
At the end of the day, i dont want to be in a job which i will moan and moan and moan about irregardless of money.
Whereas, fair be, it would be less money, but it would be a job as to which i would enjoy. A new challenge every day. Thats more my kind of work to be honest. Problems lie in trying to convince my dad that!
MC Kustoms
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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same as me m8 i spent 2 years doing networking and did not enjoy it now doing body repair and loving it
Ali Mc
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Gretna, Scotland
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Am a first year apprentice painter.
Am on £3.80 an hour...with OT i take home about £165 a week.
Its a 3 year apprenticeship an i'l be on bout £400 a week top line when qualified.
To be honest, its very repetative work, always dusty and can get boring.
But after 3 years i'll be on good money and i'll be able to kit up spray my own cars etc.
Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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I gave up on my course. Apprentice panel beater / sprayer.
Worked for Wilcox Motor Bodies in Walsall. COMPLETE CRAP
£63 a week / £1.38 an hour for cutting my hands open, getting taunted by twats, breathing the odd whiff off 2-pak paint and filler dust and half an hour dinner in a 9 hour day.
Told the boss to fcuk himself. Now earn £5.03 an hour for sitting on my bum all day.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Thats my only worry, the wages. I know myself i couldnt live on £63 a week, no way i'm afraid. Make more than that part-time (20-hr week) just now!!!
Registered: 20th May 02
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id finish ure accounting course first, so then its finished and u have ure qualification, then u can make ure mind up, if u drop out now u dont have it to fall back on
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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If i drop out now, if i change my mind etc in the future, i can go back and jump into the year i dropped out of.
If i continue with the course i.e. another 2.5 years, i will loss my mind. I will get taking away in a white jacket! It sends me mental!!!
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Most sensible answer from Mike, tbh you might not be the 'shirt and tie' type now, but I couldn't picture myself spraying cars at 45, if you finish your course (and try and do some work ex) you will have the qual and experience there, then u can decide if u wana drop to £1.38 an hour
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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I've worked in an accountants office for about 4 years now!!!! And i'm only 19.
Went for work experience for a week.
Went in the summer for 2 months (whilst off school).
Went in the following summer for 2 months (again whilst off school)
Went again in the following summer for 4 months (before i started uni).
And finally yet again last summer for 4 months!!!
Believe me, at first it was ok, but no way now. I dont want to do that kinda job. Computers wil soon put accountants out of jobs anyway
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Yes but if you're a porofessional with an accountants degree you will always get in some where.
Persoanlly I think u would regret it if you pulled out now, you may say the money is not that important but at the end of the day the reason we all go to work is to make money, if you enjoy it then cool, but c'mon money is what everything is about these days.
Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
then u can decide if u wana drop to £1.38 an hour