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What would be your ideal date/time with other half this valentines day/night?
Registered: 15th Oct 03
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I don't have an other half but if I did my perfect date would be to chill out in front of a fire with strawberries and cream eating them off each other.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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hate valentines, sucks big style, its worse than xmas and is just another excuse to waste money on tat that will last all of a day....not that im bitter or anything 
nah dunno whats happening with it this yea, im skint as biatch...although my missus doesnt like it either, thats what she tells me anyways, but i know if i missed it out i would get a kicking so 
ideal date...hmmm, in the lakes up north, log cabin fire that kinda thing. OR canada, log cabin again...that kinda thing
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Registered: 10th Nov 02
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quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
hate valentines, sucks big style, its worse than xmas and is just another excuse to waste money on tat that will last all of a day....not that im bitter or anything 
nah dunno whats happening with it this yea, im skint as biatch...although my missus doesnt like it either, thats what she tells me anyways, but i know if i missed it out i would get a kicking so 
ideal date...hmmm, in the lakes up north, log cabin fire that kinda thing. OR canada, log cabin again...that kinda thing
have to agree.
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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i want romance and passion
Registered: 9th Feb 03
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I am currently searching the web looking for our night out. Going to find decent restaraunt, theatre tickets and a posh hotel in London
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Dirty weekend away somewhere
Registered: 7th Mar 03
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to soon to think at the mo
Registered: 9th Jun 02
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we're going to paris for it and our 1 year, but the weekend after valentines.
things is, we're in a bad rough patch at mo, just decided to have a break for a week to clear my head, and she's well upset thinking its gonna be over
its all paid for and everything
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Bromley Common, Greater London
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quote: Originally posted by cdcool1
we're going to paris for it and our 1 year, but the weekend after valentines.
things is, we're in a bad rough patch at mo, just decided to have a break for a week to clear my head, and she's well upset thinking its gonna be over
its all paid for and everything
Well, if your stuck, ill go with ya 
Nah in all seriousness, hope you work things out mate.
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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quote: Originally posted by Colin J
Dirty weekend away somewhere
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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My ideal date is August 11th, ideal time is around 2 or 2.30pm.
Registered: 12th Jan 01
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mine would be candle lit dinner on the top of a building at night in venice overlooking the city then cuddle up and watch the stars.
And yes im aware thats a sickening thing to put down
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
Location: Lancashire Drives: Astra H VXR
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aww its nice when lads show they have a romantic side
flowers, chocolates, candle lit meals, cuddles.... aww
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Yes, Venice... the smell of shit from the canals... so romantic
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Joff
Yes, Venice... the smell of shit from the canals... so romantic
have u ever been to venice m8?
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by michelle
I don't have an other half but if I did my perfect date would be to chill out in front of a fire with strawberries and cream eating them off each other.
Excuse me, I'm trying to eat here
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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I cooked a romantic candlelit dinner for her birthday, so its her turn
Seriously tho, i like valentines and i dont mind being a bit soppy
Registered: 4th Jun 03
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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Im taken my gf to the lakes, were staying in a log cabin with a four poster and a huge fire place. I got the place to get some roses and champagne and strawberries on arival!! She had better appreciate it
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Yes, I went one August and the Grand Canal wasn't at its most fragrant.
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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i have just about enough money to buy her a mars and thats serously pushing the boat out
Registered: 27th Sep 01
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valentines day is the biggest croc of shit ever. made up by the card companies to compensate for the loss of sales after the xmas card sales boom.
i have always hated it and always will hate it. even when im not single i have to be dragged out on this rather stupid night
the way i see it, you have 364 other days in the year to tell someone how you feel and be romantic with them. why do it on february 14th
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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i wud feel daft with roses ect and all romantic stuff , prefer just to watch a video , eat a curry , then shag
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a nite in with "My Precious!"

pew pew pew pewwwww
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Registered: 25th Jan 01
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Never really had a good Valentines Day, think i have only had someone to share it with once. No-one ever shown me they care about me . So in that respect it does not bother me whether it is here or not. Ideal would be a small Cottage in the Middle of no-where with no-one to bother me and said female