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Author Weird facts about death

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27th Jan 04 at 12:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Influenced by the 'proud to be British' thread

Acts of God?

A lightning strike in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed all 11 members of one soccer team while leaving the opposing team in the match untouched, leading to accusations of witchcraft by the survivors.

85% of the men who die while having sex, die with someone other than their spouse

Thunderstorms cause an average of 200 deaths and 700 injuries in the United States alone each year, most of which could be prevented.

When doctors in Los Angeles went on strike in 1976, the daily number of deaths in the city went down. Striking for more pay, the doctors decided to stop all work except emergency treatments. Everyone was terrified that their strike would leave people to die. But they were stunned to find that the number of deaths decreased. (this isn't the only time this happened...

Four people every year in the UK die putting their trousers on

Animal and Insect Mishaps

40,000 people die each year, worldwide, from snake bites

More people dies each year from donkey related accidents than in train crashes

2.1 million annual deaths attributed to malaria

More people are killed each year by coconuts than sharks.

From the 1850's to the 1880's, the most common reason for death among cowboys in the American West was being dragged by a horse while caught in the stirrups

Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn. Suddenly the pigs, all two thousand of them, escaped through a broken fence and stampeded, trampling the two hapless protesters to death.

500 people per year die in the U.S. from bee stings; 15 or less die from venomous snake bites -- primarily rattlesnakes.

Aeschylus, the Greek poet and dramatist, was killed when an eagle flying overhead dropped a turtle on his head.

A poodle fell from a balcony in Buenos Aires in October 1988. It killed three people. One was struck on the head, the second run over by a bus while watching, the third witnessed the event and died from a heart attack.

Abe Lincoln's mother died when the family dairy cow ate poisonous mushrooms and Mrs. Lincoln drank the milk.

Astrological facts.

Pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above Dallas, Texas when JFK was born.

Richard Nixon was in Dallas the day JFK was killed.

When Mark Twain was born on Nov 30, 1835, Halley's comet was visible over Florida, Missouri. Mark Twain predicted in 1909 that he would die when it returned. He was right. When he died on April 21, 1910, Halley's comet was once again visible in the sky.

Death by Gadget

Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people!

About 100 people die from choking on ball-point pens each year

31 people have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in

3 people die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue

1997 fourteen people were actually blown out of their skins when a propane cooking stove exploded at a camp site in Moose Nose, Saskatchewan

In Britain 2 women, Anuban Bell and Sunee Whitworth, were killed in 1999 by lightning conducted through their underwire bras, according to the West London Coroner's Office.

Death by Dictator

The Roman emperors Commodus and Domitian had all of the dwarfs, cripples, and freaks collected in the city of Rome and had them brought to the Colosseum, where they were ordered to fight each other to the death with meat cleavers

Human Stupidity

19 people have died in the last 3 years believing that Christmas decorations were chocolate

Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after cracker pulling accidents

American rock musician, Terry Kath, died in 1978 while playing Russian Roulette. His last words were 'Don't worry it's not loaded.'

A man in Portland, Oregon lost a bet and lay down on the ground and put his mouth around the exhaust pipe of his Plymouth Fury. As friends cheered him on he inhaled for slightly over 5 minutes until his head split wide open

In the last fifteen years over 500 teenage boys have blown themselves to pieces trying to imitate daredevil Wayne Nauga, who carefully blows himself up with reduced charge dynamite.

In Miami in August, Levon Howard lost a shoot-out with his roommate Edwin Heyliger. Howard had broken into Heyliger's room, angry that someone had drunk his Kool-Aid, and in the ensuing argument, both scrambled for guns

In 1933 a 19 year-old student, Kiyoko Matsumoto, committed suicide by jumping into the thousand foot crater of a volcano on the island of Oshima, Japan. This act started a bizarre fashion in Japan and in the ensuing months three hundred children did the same thing.

Machinery Deaths

13 people each year are killed by vending machines falling on them

Radon is estimated to cause about 14,000 deaths per year

In the 90s, 37 jet airplane mechanics servicing engines have accidentally been sucked into the engines and expelled from the rear in very small chunks.

On October 16, 1814, in London, England, the explosion of a 22-foot-high vat of beer, and the subsequent destruction of another vat, created a flood of beer that knocked down a brewery wall, then drowned at least 12 people. The bodies of the victims were displayed in a nearby house, and so many people crammed in to view them that the floor gave away, leading to further deaths. Between those two incidents, and some deaths attributed to an alcohol coma, at least 20 people perished.

Medical Mishaps

12,000 people a year die from unnecessary surgery

There are 5 times as many deaths due to the negligence of doctors as there are deaths due to firearms

90,000 people die each year from infections that they contract while in the hospital.

Adverse reactions to prescription and over-the-counter medicines kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million each year

Lead poisoning has been blamed for contributing to the fall of the Roman Empire. Women became infertile by drinking wine from vessels whose lead had dissolved in the wine, and the Roman upper classes died out within a couple centuries. The Romans used lead as a sweetening agent and as a cure for diarrhea. It added up to massive self-inflicted poisoning.

Older people Stories

David Kennison was born in 1736 and participated in the Boston Tea Party. At the age of seventy-six, serving in the War of 1812, he lost a hand to a gunshot wound. Later, a tree fell on him, and fractured his skull. Some years later, while training soldiers in the use of a cannon, something went wrong and an explosion shattered his legs. Later, a horse damaged his face. He died peacefully in 1851 at the age of 115. If this guy can't make it, what chance to the rest of us have?

Office Deaths

On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year

Odd Human Mishaps

Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote 'Nutrition for Health' and numerous books on the science of proper eating, died of malnutrition

Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865 on Good Friday and in 1995 Good Friday was also on April 14. When Booth shot Lincoln, some people thought it was part of the play.

In 1983, a Mrs. Carson of Lake Kushaqua, N.Y., was laid out in her coffin, presumed dead of heart disease. As mourners watched, she suddenly sat up. Her daughter dropped dead of fright; killed by a heart attack.

Werner Shenke bit off another man's ear during a bar room battle in Bremen, Germany, and then choked to death on it. Daily Record - 26 February 1998

Yucky death facts

Dead Egyptian noblewomen were given the special treatment of being allowed a few days to ripen, so that the embalmers wouldn't find her too attractive.

Murderer John Horwood was hanged on April 13, 1821. His skin was used to bind a book describing the dissection of his body by surgeon Richard Smith.


The world's worst lifeguard has to be Lorenzo Trippi of Ravenna, Italy. In 1995, three people on three separate occasions wound up dead thanks to Lorenzo's efforts to save them. In each case, he hit all three of them on the head with his life preserver, causing them to black out and drown.

One October, at the Jervis Lumb pub in Sheffield, England, there was a bit of a party going on, Mr. Ian Clifton, 35, had enjoyed nearly a dozen pints of larger, and an unknown quantity of punch. Ian's friends noticed he'd gone a bit quiet, and decided to have a bit of fun with their friend. They shaved one side of his head, then took pictures of him posed with an inflatable doll. Then they noticed he was really quiet, quieter than he should have been. The paramedics said he'd probably been dead (acute alcohol poisoning) for a good hour before they were called.

In Aizuwakamatsu Japan, after a car accident injured a woman and her daughter, they returned to their car at the junkyard to find their other passenger, a local woman, dead and still in the back seat. None of the seven police and fire department workers had noticed.

When the French king Louis XIV died his heart was preserved. Many years later it was eaten by William Buckland, the Dean of Westminster, who saw it sitting in a jar on the mantelpiece at a house he was visiting and mistook it for a pickled walnut

Raped from

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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27th Jan 04 at 12:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well funny, took me ages to read but soke of those are well weird

Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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27th Jan 04 at 13:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some of those are disgusting!

Registered: 6th Oct 03
Location: Adel, West Yorkshire
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27th Jan 04 at 13:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

same here took up most of my bloody lunch brek, gotta go back to work now
good though

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