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Author Chav - Dictionay Defintion

Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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27th Jan 04 at 22:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Extract from

Charver, Chava adj. 'He's a right little Charva'. Used to describe group of youths usually described as 'townies' or 'kappa slappers' else where. Charvas typically wear things like Kappa tracksuits and Berghaus jackets, smoke Lambert and Butler cigarettes amongst other things, have hooped gold earrings, spit constantly and wear at least one gold sovereign ring (a gold band attached to the bottom of a gold sovereign coin) on each hand. Most people seem to grow out of 'charvadom' by their early twenties, although may still carry a few of the habits through to later life and will by then probably drive a souped-up XR2I, with blacked-out rear windows and a 5000 watt stereo system. Another trait common to the charva is a loud, slightly sarcastic, nasal laugh and slow 'can't really be bothered to talk' speech. Typical slang words that Charvas use are 'belta', 'mint' and 'waxa' all meaning good or great, with the prefix of 'pure' or 'total' this would mean really good (I couldn't be bothered to send separate entries for these words, sorry). The word charva has been in common use in the North East since the mid-nineties.

Another submission on this word goes as follows:
In current usage here in Kent - primarily by teenagers as a term of abuse - as in "he's a right Chav." Describes someone who wears Reebok or Adidas trainers, gold jewellery and is likely to be a shop lifter. Girl Chavs wear big gold hoop earrings and like pop music (as opposed to rock, metal, grunge etc.) , Would be very interested to hear any feed back on this as this one word has made me feel like a very out of touch parent!! My daughter was bought an Adidas bag which she refused to use for fear of being called a "Chav". She then gave me the above description, and other teenagers I've asked have given the same with little variation.

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27th Jan 04 at 22:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i cant read mate

pew pew pew pewwwww

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