Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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It obviously depends on how thick it is applied but would it hold a PSG spoiler together at the sides without any screws?? Look down 
Or could i set the screws in the fiberglass?

[Edited on 09-02-2004 by neiliosxi]
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
User status: Offline
not an expert, but i would definately use screws or at least try and bond it onto your car with tigerseal or sikaflex...
fibreglass won't be strong enough.
don't quote me though 
[Edited on 06-02-2004 by GoldPenguin]
Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: mansfield,notts
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why not, countersink the holes then skim over with filler.
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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fibreglass will definatly not be strong enough, i doubt tigerseal will hold it either to be honest!! Think of the force at like 80mph!! Bolt it!!!
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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Not holding onto the car, holding the wing onto the feet. Its too long you see so i'm thinking about cutting the wing but its hollow, i would have to fill the ends in and try to screw into this, then smooth around the outside with fibreglass to make it stronger.
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by wezjax
why not, countersink the holes then skim over with filler.
i think this will be your best bet top be honest. you know that it will be secured onto the car firmly, and then you can smooth it all off for a decent finish.
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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but there will be nothing to screw the screws into if i cut the ends off!! If i stuff the ends full of fibreglass will this hold the screws?
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
User status: Offline
i get you now!
hmm.... tricky. so tricky i don't have an answer sorry mate
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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trying to sell it, if its still here my monday the saw is coming out, i'm gonna take 2" off each end of the wing then fix it back together with a few tubs of fibreglass, then fixing it onto the sxi spoiler will be just as much fun!
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
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ur gonna need to bolt that on.
even bonding it with tigerseal/stickaflex will not be enough.
Registered: 13th May 02
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Could you not cut it in the middle then re-join in? Put sumit in middle you can screw into?
Registered: 27th Jun 03
Location: Ayrshire, Scotland
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chop it in half in the middle and stick it together as he said, maybe stick a metal plate on one side inside, then bond it in the same place otherside so theres a bar inside holding it, then just smoothed it all over.
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: welwyn garden city,herts
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i wouldnt cut it in half! could be a bastard to put back together straight. id cut the end off then fibreglass inside,make sure you put loads in and push it back as far as possible for extra strength. then flat the end off and drill into that. might be best cuting equal ammounts off both ends to ensure the spoiler is symetrical.
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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quote: Originally posted by combat_sri
i wouldnt cut it in half! could be a bastard to put back together straight. id cut the end off then fibreglass inside,make sure you put loads in and push it back as far as possible for extra strength. then flat the end off and drill into that. might be best cuting equal ammounts off both ends to ensure the spoiler is symetrical.
exactly wot i've started doin, as the ends are hollow i'm goin to cut out the inside for the spoiler to slot into, then screw from the ends after filling them with fibreglass.
There would be no strength in the spoiler if i cut it in the middle and it would never be straight.
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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Started on the spoiler this morning, cut off the ends to make feet straight as they were pointing outwards, then trimmed 5mm off each side untill it fitted onto the sxi spoiler. Didnt bother to hollow out the feet, thought it would be ok without as originally it didnt have this.

Then stuffed the ends with a full tub of fibreglass (£5 one) and left it to dry under the heater in the garage!

Next i'm gonna re-drill the holes and screw it back together and using a bit of tigerseal to be sure! then fix to sxi spoiler and smooth around the feet as they are a shocking shape!
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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looking good so far
i hate fibreglass its horrible stuff to work with
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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Tell me about it, its the best stuff for the job but not easy to use.
I've sanded the rough bits off these re-drilled the holes and its all back together now, used tigerseal aswell as the screws, seems to have got it!
Registered: 11th Nov 02
Location: welwyn garden city,herts
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looking good so far mate!
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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Well i've packed up for the day sick ogf the sight of the spoiler and of fibreglass! Managed to get most if it done before i ran out of fibreglass.
The spoiler is back together and fixed to the sxi spoiler, had it on the back of the car and it needed loads trimmed off the feet for the boot lid to open. Trimmed it as best i could and started filling holes and smoothing bases of feet!

more updates 2moro!
Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Ecosse
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ah my man, thats wat spoiler i was thinkging of putting on my old corsa c!
was a toss up betweenthat and a Ecosse 106 spoiler.
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
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I wish i'd never bothered mate! lol
I've been building more layer up around the feet and smoothed the countersinks in the sides.
Left me cam at my g/f's so no pics till 2moro!
Does look nice i think, better than the old 1! lol
Registered: 5th May 02
Location: Preston, Lancs
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looking good
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
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wanna swap for my PSG one?
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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as for making it fit the sxi one, you wanna know how to do it in a couple of minutes?
1, cover the sxi one in cling film
2. put some bodyfiller onto the bottom of the new one, dont skimp on it
3. press it onto the sxi spoiler covered in cling film,
4. wait till its dry thensand the lumps off
hey presto, perfect fit.
Registered: 17th Dec 02
Location: Teesside (NE)Drives: Megane R26
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Kris TD
as for making it fit the sxi one, you wanna know how to do it in a couple of minutes?
1, cover the sxi one in cling film
2. put some bodyfiller onto the bottom of the new one, dont skimp on it
3. press it onto the sxi spoiler covered in cling film,
4. wait till its dry thensand the lumps off
hey presto, perfect fit.
lol, it was quite a gap in places and thought fibreglass would be stronger in the long run almost done now!
Chris, i'll do u 1 for £200