Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Right i've been going out with this girl now for just over a month, but it wasn't till last week that i told my parents that i was going out with her and she sort of met them too. They were cool about it, and didn't really ask many questions, unlike past girl friends .
Now here comes the tricky bit 
Me and my G/F are ment to be going out later tonight (Sat nite) and she wants to stay over mine for the night. But how am i gunna ask my parents for her to stay over the night ?
The thing is my old dear gets a bit funny about things like this, and in the past i made up excuses that i would be staying over with mates when i really would be at my girl friend's (at the time) house sleeping with her.
How am i going to approach my parents about getting my current g/f to stay over for the night ?
Any advise on this will be great !
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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Hey Mum I need a shag can me girl stay over............
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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best bet is to just ask them
u could say u dont want her to go home late e.g u be out late or her travel home late
u want a drink
but i think just ask
if u dont ask u dont get and if they say no then u just have to respect thier wishes in thier house and ask ure bird to stay at hers instead
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Hey Mum I need a shag can me girl stay over............
LMFAO !!!!!! 
Cheers.......but I think i'll give that one a miss
[Edited on 07-02-2004 by Captain_Rosco]
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
best bet is to just ask them
u could say u dont want her to go home late e.g u be out late or her travel home late
u want a drink
but i think just ask
if u dont ask u dont get and if they say no then u just have to respect thier wishes in thier house and ask ure bird to stay at hers instead
Thanks Kerry !!!
I guess your right about respecting what they say goes.
But I have a funny feeling that i may have left it a lil too late ? 
But if they do say no.....what do you recon my g/f will feel or think of me because i couldn't sort out one nite for her to stay over ?
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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she should respect it to if she doesnt then she isnt the one for u
Registered: 16th Jul 03
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my parents dont trust me at all, they know as soon as the lights are off ill be ffcukin like a bunny rabbit on crack! best thing to do is just ask nicely, if they say no then say your gonna go out clubbing and take vvast amounts of mind bending drugs and probably end up in an alley somewhere.
See what they say then
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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well said on...............
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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ask parents
if they say yes 
if they say no - respect the desicision, if the g/f dont like this, then its tuff luck
has she asked you to stay at hers? why does it have to be at urs?
there is always travel inns ya know
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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what name............?
MR and Mrs Smith................................
Registered: 31st Jan 01
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jus say
"do u mind if.......can stay the night tonight"
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Yeah i guess you guys are right 
Looks like i'm gunna have to bite the bullet.
Just hope i can think quick enough on my feet....and sorta get them to see why it's such a good idea for her to stay over.
Thanks Kerry and Drew ! 
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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Good Luck
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Icy
jus say
"do u mind if.......can stay the night tonight"
I think if it came out like that...they will see the real reason why i want her to stay over....and they most properly take me to the vet and have me fixed.
Registered: 31st Jan 01
Location: Edinburgh Drives: Mk3 Golf Gti
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say u got some studyin to do
shes tutorin u
workin on a project thats for monday
doh! thats if ur studyin
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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quote: Originally posted by Icy
say u got some studyin to do
shes tutorin u
workin on a project thats for monday
doh! thats if ur studyin
and wot are you studying son?
nature mam 
wot does that involve?
birds and bees mam
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Icy
say u got some studyin to do
shes tutorin u
workin on a project thats for monday
doh! thats if ur studyin
Dude that would have been such a sweet idea....except i finished collage a couple of years ago 
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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how about - parents go to bed at say midnite
u bring her home at 1am
face the shit in the morning :thumbsL
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Drew
how about - parents go to bed at say midnite
u bring her home at 1am
face the shit in the morning :thumbsL
Well funny you should say that but she does have to get up for work early in the we should be gone by the time my parents are awake.
But do you think that really such a good idea ???
Registered: 24th Nov 01
Location: County Durham
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honestly - no 
Registered: 8th Dec 03
Location: Reading - Berkshire
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Damm !!!!! 
lol !!!
Registered: 21st Sep 02
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last minute mate works a treat!! dont tell them, bring her back when u get in and say u both have no money for a taxi. U might get bollocked in the morning but it will be worth it lol. worked for me before!
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Ask you parents if it's ok she stays over and if they ask "where will she sleep" say you'll kip on the sofa while she has your bed.
If they don't ask though, you're laughing
Registered: 5th Aug 03
Location: Northern Ireland
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mine are the same ish...
once came home from nite club and we went into mine for a bit she fell asleep and was hardly gonna wake her at 3am and say drive home bitch!! 
jus beg and say she's on her rag week so nothin will be happenin..