its a corsa life
Registered: 21st Jan 04
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
ive looked at a few step by step guides of removin the cd player but i still cant get mine out do u need 2 use stero keys once u have unscrewed the little allen bolts.Another things is how r u supposed 2 pull the dam thing out?
Registered: 8th Sep 03
User status: Offline
best to undo the ashtray first (4 screws undernieth) then push iso keys in and they should click in place then pull it out a little then put your hand under the radio where the ashtray used to be and pull out the iso connector and push the radio out from behind. the remove the cage , theres a bolt at the back of it so you will need a 10mm extention or screwdriver atachment to pull it out.
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jul 03
User status: Offline
corsa b or c?
if its thecorsa c get a coat hanger and ben it into the holes were the allen keys were on both side and pull htem both away from the centre and pull at the same time, should release the catch and then yank it out.